Example sentences of "is call upon " in BNC.

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1 And he is the-hero-as-artist , who is called upon to make just such recognitions , of the divinely eternal through the veil of the quotidian .
2 The societal divisions and problems of relations between the police and the community which this style of policing is called upon to ameliorate in Northern Ireland are more severe than is normally the case , which makes the RUC 's implementation and operation of community policing of special interest and previous neglect of this aspect of policing in the province a significant oversight .
3 The Government is called upon to ensure that the Railway Inspectorate is adequately staffed and resourced for the increased responsibilities in the wake of the report .
4 The mark of the adjudicator is simply that he is called upon to decide what parties in dispute should have done or should do in the circumstances of a particular case .
5 The same explanation is called upon to account for the single small diamond and lonsdaleite-heating iron meteorite found in the Allan Hills area .
6 By the same token love is called upon to find a constructive way to point out a selfish behaviour in my partner .
7 Such being the principal work which the Resident is called upon to perform under the system of Indirect Rule , it will be seen that he can receive little help from outside sources …
8 And one is called upon continually to make one 's choice between one duty and another . ’
9 Typically , the teacher is called upon to implement the second order realization of new ideas in the form of teaching materials rather than to consider the ideas themselves and how they key in with his own experience of teaching .
10 If we regard our guide as simply looking for advice as to what moral rules are correct , unrelated to a particular decision which he is called upon to make or to a particular situation in which he is involved then it will be impartiality of the first and last types which are particularly relevant : that is , the formal requirement that legislation is to be universalised , and the material requirement that the decisions made are based on a consideration of all relevant factors .
11 The phosphoinositide signalling system is fully established in the gametes and is called upon to regulate major events throughout the life history of a typical cell .
12 The extent to which the total , composite deity is called upon to explain an event depends upon its generality and universality .
13 The press , as well as performing its role as the watchdog , must not be coy when it is called upon to turn the critical eye on itself .
14 The press , as well as performing its role as the watchdog , must not be coy when it is called upon to turn the critical eye on itself .
15 The need for reality is satisfied in that Septimus Quinn , for all his impetuosity , does not look upon war as fun , nor does he abdicate his responsibility for the men whom , from time to time , he is called upon to lead .
16 The law is called upon to distinguish between information which may be legitimately used to make a stock market trade , and that which may not .
17 If South Korea is called upon to defend itself against aggression from the North its ground army is capable of doing an excellent job .
18 He is called upon both to defend his faith against stiff opposition and to spread it among his friends .
19 They are doing work which every compositor is called upon to do at some time or another , that is plain composition , " but he added that the men do " the many operations that go to make up the comp 's calling " .
20 Irrespective of the number of hours of formal teaching he is called upon to do .
21 On the other hand , what if , to take Posner 's example ( 1974 ) , an agency is called upon to regulate two opposing groups , like the Interstate Communications Commission who deal with truckers , railroads and bargees ?
22 The driver and passenger — the driver 's child — are rushed to hospital where the senior surgeon is called upon to operate immediately to save the child 's life .
23 It is obviously in an uncomfortably contradictory position — squeezed between the expectations of the bureaucracies on which it relies and its political affiliation to the struggles of the mass of blacks which it is called upon to mediate , translate and sometimes police .
24 The teacher , or anyone else present , could take steps to test the truth of the statement , ‘ Here is a piece of chalk ’ , but it is significant that the more stringent the test the more theory is called upon , and further , absolute certainty is never attained .
25 There is a balance which the court is called upon to strike .
26 ‘ A national court which is called upon , within the limits of its jurisdiction , to apply provisions of Community law is under a duty to give full effect to those provisions , if necessary refusing of its own motion to apply any conflicting provisions of national legislation , even if adopted subsequently , and it is not necessary for the court to request or await the prior setting aside of such provisions by legislative or other constitutional means .
27 The contrast between section 9(4) and section 3 lies in the fact that section 9(4) applies at the moment when the court is called upon to consider an application for an order under the Act , whereas section 3 applies only after and subject to an order being made .
28 On the other hand , it is my opinion that when a decision-making body is called upon to reach a decision which arises out of the relationship between two persons or firms , only one of whom is directly under the control of the decision-making body , and it is apparent that the decision will be likely to affect the second person adversely , then as a general proposition the decision-making body does owe some duty of fairness to that second person , which , in appropriate circumstances , may well include a duty to allow him to make representations before reaching the decision .
29 ‘ That is an inquisitorial power , which may work with great severity against third persons , and it seems to me to be obvious that such a section ought to be used with the greatest care , so as not unnecessarily to put in motion the machinery of justice when it is not wanted , or to put it in motion at a stage when it is not clear that it is wanted , and certainly not to put it in motion if unnecessary mischief is going to be done or hardship inflicted upon the third person who is called upon to appear and give information .
30 It is a great mistake to suppose that a solicitor can get along without having mastered the legal topics with which he is called upon to deal .
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