Example sentences of "is under consideration " in BNC.

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1 A project for a 3000 km pipeline to carry gas from the Western Amazon jungle to the industrial south east is under consideration .
2 Nevertheless , a project is under consideration in the US for some 300,000 windmills spread across the plains which would supply some 200,000 MW of electricity , more than half the present US installed capacity .
3 The problem that is under consideration is the collision of two plane waves in a flat background .
4 This must be born in mind if and when the allocation of units is under consideration .
5 A newsletter concerning the Flying Flea/Pou du Ciel is under consideration by an American writer , with the basic aim of uniting all with an interest in this diminutive aircraft .
6 In the second example , suppose a specific project is under consideration and the manager , but no one else , knows there is a 0.7 probability it will yield a return of 20 per cent on the investment , with a 0.3 probability that it will yield nothing .
7 So although there is not as yet any definitive question , any definitive answer to this same question which was raised by Mr a couple of years ago , it is under consideration and we would hope that the sort of answer which he is hoping for might be forthcoming from that source .
8 These are matters on which there is a wide legislative choice the exercise of which is likely to be influenced by the political complexion of the government and the state of public opinion at the time amending legislation is under consideration .
9 We note that at the time of going to press a restructuring of the advisory service is under consideration ( Leeds City Council 1991c ) .
10 The possibility of credit transfer from these modules and units to general SVQs at levels III and IV is under consideration .
11 An offer has been made and is under consideration by the Congregational Board .
12 The need for Government action to ensure that sufficient ships remain on the British register to meet defence needs is under consideration .
13 Their preliminary report on this matter has been received and is under consideration by the Crown prosecution service .
14 I can confirm that the appointment of a commissioner to monitor procedures at Castlereagh , and the two other police holding centres where terrorist suspects are interviewed , is under consideration .
15 As there is no accessions register for individual herbarium specimens , a numerical reassessment of our holdings is required ; this is under consideration for a summer student project in 1991 .
16 Keyboarding and other preparatory modules are under development and the Office Practice area is under consideration , with a view to developing further non-SVQ modules .
17 Still , that most provinces have reached a stage where compensation of any form is under consideration is itself a remarkable turn of events .
18 When talking about quality , there is also often confusion about which aspect of a service is under consideration .
19 At the time of writing , a new draft circular is under consideration .
20 Standards for exposure to benzene are expected by the UK government to be set in 1993 : a level of 3 ppb is under consideration , although according to the World Health Organization there is " no known safe threshold dose " .
21 ( a ) Appointment The court has a positive duty to appoint a guardian ad litem in the following proceedings unless satisfied that this is not necessary in order to safeguard the child 's interests ( s41 ) : ( i ) application for a care or supervision order ; ( ii ) direction to investigate under s37 when an interim care order has been made or is under consideration ; ( iii ) application for discharge of a care order ; ( iv ) application for variation or discharge of a supervision order ; ( v ) application to extend a supervision order ; ( vi ) application to substitute a supervision order for a care order ; ( vii ) consideration of a residence order for a child in care ; ( viii ) application relating to contact with a child in care ; ( ix ) proceedings relating to emergency protection and child assessment orders ; ( x ) proceedings relating to secure accommodation orders ; ( xi ) application for leave to change the surname of a child in care ; ( xii ) application for leave to remove a child in care from the United Kingdom for a period exceeding one month ; ( xiii ) application for leave to permit the emigration of a child in care ; ( xiv ) appeal against the making or refusal to make , vary or discharge above orders .
22 It is generally true to say that if the area is predominantly rural then the geographical extent of the restriction can sometimes be greater than if an urban area is under consideration .
23 The question of any appeal over the undue leniency of this sentence is under consideration .
24 ‘ The matter is under consideration , ’ Hogg noted .
25 According to chief executive David Michels , the development is likely to take place in Glasgow although a location in another Scottish city is under consideration .
26 Meetings have been held with employers , the Scottish Trades Union Congress , local authorities and the Scottish Sports Council to discuss health promotion and a report on improvements to Scotland 's diet is under consideration .
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