Example sentences of "is [adv] estimate " in BNC.

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1 There is an increase in risk due to irradiation of the breast , but this is likely to be small and is best estimated from a woman 's age and dose of irradiation .
2 The value of A 2 will tell us whether or not the size of the polymer coil , which is dissolved in a particular solvent , will be perturbed or expanded over that of the unperturbed state , but the extent of this expansion is best estimated by calculating the expansion factor α .
3 The metal is usually estimated colorimetrically with diphenylcarbazide , giving a violet colour , when the chromium is hexavalent .
4 Finally we can obtain an estimate of the yield There are other , similar measures with slightly different definitions , but the aim is still to estimate the same quantities .
5 It is further estimated that in the majority of such accidents speed is a contributory factor .
6 It is also estimated to be twice as prevalent among the southern states of the Community , reflecting differences in the structure of the local economies , levels of taxation , cultural attitudes and the effectiveness of official controls .
7 Its value is also estimated at £50m .
8 It is also estimated that 37 Tory backbenchers are set to vote against the government in Wednesday 's Maastricht debate , making the result too close to call .
9 The Centre is also estimating a small macro-model of the British Economy , and at a wider level studying the problem of international economic cooperation designed to raise employment .
10 The terminal explosion over Tunguska is typically estimated to have occurred at roughly an atmospheric scale height H 8.4km .
11 The model is typically estimated by least squares and tests of the individual regression coefficients are based on the usual regression t statistics .
12 A hundred and thirty thousand London homes destroyed , so the precise number of homeless is now estimated to be around only a quarter of a million . ’
13 It is now estimated that about twenty kilograms of uranium escaped through the pile chimneys , posing a risk even greater than that from the short-lived 1957 accident .
14 Public support for agriculture is now estimated at 166 per cent of farmers net incomes .
15 The global demand is now estimated to be over 1000 million tonnes .
16 It is now estimated at £150,000 to £200,000 ( $229,000–306,000 ) .
17 It is now estimated to sell for Yen 25 million ( £110,000 ; $200,000 ) .
18 The collection formed by Whitehouse , which includes Ruskin 's manuscript diaries and a superb range of his drawings from every period , is now estimated to be worth £5 million .
19 Formerly in the Pierre Matisse Gallery in New York , it is now estimated to fetch £800–1.2m ( $1.4–2.1m ) .
20 The disastrous years for the British economy , measured in terms of change in real wealth , were 1990 , 1991 and 1992 ( ‘ growth ’ for 1992 is now estimated at around minus 2.0 per cent as opposed to the Treasury 's original forecast of plus 1 per cent ) .
21 Turnover is now estimated at over $5 billion a year , making the animal trade the most profitable international illegal enterprise after the world trade in narcotics .
22 Total hare population in Britain is now estimated at around one million .
23 It is now estimated at around £5000,000 .
24 A group headed by Chevron and Conoco is investing £2 billion in developing the difficult Britannia complex ; an Amoco-led consortium is spending £1.5 billion on the Everest and Lomond fields and the new pipeline ; and the new Armada project is provisionally estimated by County NatWest Woodmac to involve investment of almost £800m .
25 The net amount of work which occurs is often estimated by observing the frequency of an externally applied effective stress ( such as a weather- or hydrologically-related stress ) which is more easily measured or is accessible from records .
26 It is conservatively estimated that not less than 120,000 persons have died of actual starvation during the last two years in the Lebanon alone .
27 If these measures were applied to the country as a whole , it is conservatively estimated that a reduction of over 10,000 in jury accidents could be achieved every year .
28 The amount of energy associated with this ( usually unobserved ) background is conservatively estimated to be on the order of nuclear energy densities or greater .
29 The model is then estimated using the same data set that NNS and NN examine .
30 It is currently estimated that , for every £100 million invested in trunk road improvements , about 100 road deaths and 4,500 casualties are saved over a 30-year period .
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