Example sentences of "it last for " in BNC.

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1 Buying a floorcovering is a major investment , so naturally you 'll want it to last for a reasonable length of time .
2 Most strikers also underestimated the length of the strike , anticipating it to last for a far shorter period and the continuation of the strike was not something they enjoyed .
3 ‘ I intended it to last for longer this time , meu amor , ’ he said unevenly , ‘ much longer , but I 'm wild with wanting you and I 'm sorry but I ca n't — ’
4 The company 's employees have embarked on a strike that could seriously disrupt international air travel if it lasts for more than a few weeks .
5 It lasts for around five minutes and you ca n't work out exactly what it 's selling , but it leaves you wishing it carried on for hours .
6 This simple canister squirts a harmless gas into the bottle , so it remains drinkable for up to four weeks and it lasts for over 100 applications .
7 Liz always wears foundation or tinted moisturiser , which Yanina applied next , because they help to protect her skin from St Andrews ' bitter East winds : ‘ I love Lancôme 's Maquimat Beige 031 — it 's a bit expensive , but I find it lasts for ages . ’
8 The presidential election campaign lasts for nearly a year ; with all the preplanning , advance publicity , and fund raising it lasts for much longer .
9 The only good thing about it is that it lasts for six months , then immunity is acquired . ’
10 It is a play for only one performer , and it lasts for less than an hour .
11 I 've bought all sorts really , but normally in the first week or two of getting paid , I 'd buy a gram or whatever and make it last for four or five days , so I 'd sort of have a quarter a day out of it .
12 How long did it last for , that trouble ?
13 How long does it last for the assembly ?
14 does it last for ?
15 We had nothing at all to live on ; but one day I received a sum of money that we managed to divide up so that it lasted for many weeks , just so much a day .
16 The strength of the institution can be seen in the fact that it lasted for generations in the sugar estates , despite social changes taking place around it .
17 Usually held in October , it lasted for eight days and met outside the North Gate near the sloe tree which gave it its name of Sloe Fair ; discipline and disputes were enforced by a ‘ pie-powder ’ ( dusty feet ) court which sorted out the inevitable problems .
18 Home po 2 monitoring was undertaken in 134 patients ; in the 120 patients who have discontinued it lasted for a median duration of 5.5 months ( range 0.3–17.5 ) .
19 Then , as we saw in the previous chapter , it was introduced in Scotland in 1989 and in England and Wales in 1990 , but it lasted for a very short period .
20 It lasted for about five minutes , The Shah kept on walking back and forth .
21 But it lasted for a good seven or eight years after the war was finished .
22 It lasted for three hours or more .
23 So far did the experience lie beyond the normal province of time , she could not later tell whether it lasted for moments only or extended into hours .
24 It lasted for six weeks .
25 In fact it lasted for nearly another half century , until 1892 .
26 Oh I must n't lose that , my grandson bought me that in Greece Cos I 'm a pipe smoker and er , but it 's not a Zippo , and he got it very cheap English you see , but I 've knackered him you see , because I , he thinks I 've still got that , but I , I , I bought a Zippo one , and it 's , it 's the hippo , the Zippo one that 's in there the other one was fucking useless , well , it lasted for a couple of months , a few months , but er
27 It lasted for about a fortnight , that , did n't it .
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