Example sentences of "it contains [art] " in BNC.

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1 Issued by Rich Software and distributed by Bores Signal Processing it contains a number of library functions which allow the DSP32(C) to access the bios of the hose PC .
2 Yet it contains a contradiction , since the class-struggle , or more generally the struggle against oppression , is thought of as always visibly at work in history in a clearly timeless way .
3 It is true that we are more enlightened than we were ; there is a public which has learnt to smile at the reviewer who declares that a line ‘ will not scan ’ , or that it contains a ‘ trochee ’ where it should have had an ‘ iamb ’ , without considering whether it was ever intended to ‘ scan ’ , or whether there is anything in English verse which can be treated as the absolute equivalent of a Greek or Latin trochee .
4 Endless Kiss gives a smooth finish and it contains a protective sunscreen .
5 According to the unions , however , it contains a few minor strings , but nothing like the substantial changes in working practices being asked for nationally by the employers .
6 It contains a striped shirt , one towelling sock , now grubby , but still recognisably white , and several decayed strips of red material , thought to have had some connection with men 's trousers .
7 It contains a few of my pubic hairs .
8 It contains a piece of paper scrawled with the initials H.G. and enclosing a lock of brown hair .
9 It contains a lot of questionnaires for which there are no answers and with not much guidance on what to do with the answers once you have filled in the pages .
10 It contains a mass of radioactive byproducts spawned during its time in the reactor , some of them extremely hazardous .
11 The third chapel on the right is called the Crucifixion chapel because it contains a wooden crucifix carried in procession by San Carlo Borromeo during the time of the plague of 1576 .
12 It contains a number of impurities the sum of which are known as water hardness salts .
13 The writing on a carton of orange juice may tell you that it contains a certain amount of vitamin C — but did you know that the vitamin C content starts to decrease from the moment the carton is opened ?
14 It contains a set of readable , no-nonsense booklets which offer clear , practical advice on organising and running your business , from its conception and initial preparation to coping with growth .
15 A characteristic of human verbal expression of pain is that it contains a mixture of private suffering and public display .
16 It contains a vast quantity of tabulated matter and , in the list of bailiffs for the town of Bridport , references to one man of the right name appear several times .
17 A Guide to Stained Glass in Britain by P.A. Cowan ( London 1985 ) is , in its field , most valuable for it contains a gazetteer .
18 In addition to the subjects discussed in this chapter it contains a list of rulers from the English settlement to 1154 , a table of regnal years ; exchequer years ; a list of popes from Gregory I to Paul VI , and a tabulation of saints ’ days and other festivals .
19 It contains a monetary allowance , supposedly from a rich relative in France .
20 It contains a summary of the advice , support and financial assistance which Livewire , the Prince 's Youth Business Trust and the Youth Enterprise Scheme offers young people .
21 It contains a step if , and is smooth if .
22 No. 17 is a somewhat similar division but it contains a Tweddle press for shaping steel panel plates , and also deals with steel flooring , vestibule steel-work , and other miscellaneous work , while repairs are also undertaken here .
23 The following is an example of a passage from the study , based on an extract from a newspaper report It contains a surface anaphor that does not conform to Hankamer & Sag 's criteria .
24 There is no doubt that it contains a remarkably comprehensive account of what we know now about the weather and its causes in these islands , including what can be done with satellite observations .
25 In addition , though wheat and triticale both contain around 13 per cent protein , that of triticale is better quality as it contains a larger share of lysine , an amino-acid that is relatively deficient in most cereal proteins .
26 It contains a complete map of the British road network and an inventory of all the road signs .
27 It contains a riveting academic argument about the value of a CSIRO research programme on dung beetles , whether or not the native Australian dung beetle is efficient at removing dung and in the process eating the larvae of the buffalo fly , a scourge of cattle .
28 It contains a number of alternative provisions which make the document quite flexible .
29 It contains a carefully balanced range of essential vitamins A to E in the proportions that a growing child needs .
30 As well as a Tourist Information office , it contains a Craft Shop , Tea Room , audio-visual display about Northampton 's history , and a bridge link to the Central Museum & Art Gallery .
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