Example sentences of "it towards the " in BNC.

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1 The result is a tax designed to raise cash from better-off voters in safe Tory areas and push it towards the marginals .
2 Then , when the boy was n't looking in his direction he hurled it towards the pool .
3 Pushing it towards the door they could hardly contain their excitement until Endill stopped in his tracks , realising they had made a terrible mistake .
4 In the final minutes of the spacecraft 's descent , Soviet ground controllers tried to guide it towards the ocean but lacked the necessary fuel .
5 I spent most of my childhood holidays chasing our tent along the tops of cliffs in the middle of the night as gale-force winds carried it towards the sea .
6 I snatched my miniature of whisky and lifted it towards the raised glasses at home , before stepping outside to watch those stars to the left of Polaris which would be blinking over Manchester .
7 So , rather than holding it in front of you as in the carve gybe , you deliberately lose the power from the rig by oversheeting ad leaning it towards the wave .
8 After deliberating for a little while , the priest selected one and carried it towards the fire .
9 The alternative is to scare off the enemy and this is done by inflating the body and raising the rear end of it towards the approaching assailant .
10 Depth is easier to convey pictorially if you avoid shooting your scenes square-on and go instead for diagonal compositions which lead the eye into the picture and direct it towards the centre of attention .
11 An upward blow to the nose , driving it towards the forehead could seriously injure your attacker when you only intended to give him a bloody nose .
12 We held it was the duty of revolutionary Socialists to denounce both imperialist peace and imperialist war as the inevitable consequences of Capitalism and , whichever came , to carry on the independent class struggle of the workers , directing it towards the conquest of Worker 's Power … .
13 And some of the newcomers have money to throw around , so I 'm not going to prevent them throwing some of it towards the hunt .
14 One evening , while enjoying a cigarette , I noticed how the draught coming under the doors collected up the tobacco smoke and drifted it towards the opposite end of the room where a tank was .
15 If you have moved the lace carriage towards the right , followed by two knit rows , then you must move it towards the left after the next selection .
16 That is , the kink at the bottom of the mast should bend it towards the machine .
17 The receptionist at the hotel had given him a key to the front door and his mind was a chaotic mixture of emotions and thoughts as he walked past it towards the shore .
18 All you need to do is unfold the lid ( which doubles as a phased-array antenna ) , aim it towards the nearest convenient satellite and dial the call .
19 This is a simple , but amusing , sequence with a stick-man player flicking the ball up , chesting it down , etc , before shooting/heading it towards the unseen net — a ‘ goal ’ or ‘ saved ’ caption then appears .
20 He extended it towards the youth , hilt first , daring him to take it .
21 Even so , there was competition for places in it towards the end of her reign , and many of the ageing Chamber officers were trying to bring in their own relatives as their successors .
22 The ambusher sprints ahead to find the place where he will hide in the leaves , while the chasers move in front of the driver and run along the branches trying to grab the monkey and chasing it towards the place where the ambusher sits hidden .
23 ‘ All right over there ? ’ she called to Leon Kennedy who was peering into a dish , tilting it towards the light of a portrait above .
24 Estelle , her companion for the evening , seemed to know the drill , for she placed three glasses together on a low table and , taking the man 's limp penis between her thumb and fingers , pointed it towards the glasses .
25 One frail , thin hand went up to pull at his wispy grey goatee , the other moved slightly on the staff , inclining it towards the distant line of men .
26 A man dressed in dungarees and a filthy khaki shirt was walking behind the beast , herding it towards the back wall .
27 then as I say we 'll discuss it towards the end .
28 As the droplet leaves the jet it is held in position by an electric field which further propels it towards the paper .
29 He still held his own automatic in his left hand , and he was raising it towards the door as he backed off .
30 On the steps of the stadium someone had erected a red hammer-and-sickle flag and was waving it towards the crowd and the few media people present .
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