Example sentences of "it also suggests " in BNC.

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1 It also suggests that this is vital if traders are to be convinced that trading across frontiers is no more strange than doing business with the shopkeeper next door .
2 It also suggests , paradoxically , that the less autonomous individuality is thought to be , the more it might be marked by a potentially subversive agency .
3 It also suggests Mrs Thatcher should initiate a public forum where the Methodist Church and others concerned about social issues could meet her and ministers to seek ways of overcoming the divisions within society , engendering a ‘ new spirit of common commitment and enterprise . ’
4 It also suggests picking Berlin as an Olympic Games site .
5 It also suggests a significant minimum figure , possibly 10m therms , should be fixed for purchases and puts forward pricing proposals based on weighted average cost .
6 It also suggests the possibility that demonstrators fall foul of the law in the magistrates ' court in ways which may never afterwards be given thoughtful re-examination at a more senior judicial level .
7 It also suggests the need for a senior management team unfettered by the need to consult with or seek consensus amongst the staff .
8 It also suggests that , in the long term , ISPRA might be turned into Europe 's premier location for big-science machines .
9 But it also suggests that many –normal , healthy' people are not as immune from everyday chemicals as they might appear to be .
10 It also suggests that caution that must be exercised in reading the chapters by Neil Smith ( chapter 5 ) and Liz Bondi ( chapter 6 ) .
11 The name , New Millennium , means the new period of a thousand years which will start in the year 2000–1 and it also suggests an era of peace and harmony .
12 But it also suggests that the tendency people have to favour quick repayment is stronger even than suggested by the majority stated preference ( for quick repayment versus small instalments ) .
13 It also suggests Jordan 's Hollywood-strangled talent is breathing again , and ready to improve .
14 It also suggests that educational reforms will be of limited success unless complemented by policies such as contract compliance which act directly upon demand-side institutions .
15 It also suggests that they create radical discontinuities between the educational and occupational systems which are a major limitation upon the effectiveness of educational reforms .
16 It also suggests that teachers should oppose their critics on educational grounds rather than being forced continually onto the sterile terrain of vocationalism .
17 It also suggests that , given the inevitably subjective nature of much decision making within this area , proposed changes to child care law and procedure should take more account of family rights and due process of law than is the case at the moment .
18 If so , it also suggests that GH5 recognizes DNA in a manner similar to CAP .
19 His reaction puzzles Banquo , but Macbeth explains it to us in an aside : The word ‘ swelling ’ is sometimes glossed by comparison with a stage thronged with people , but it also suggests pregnancy , and we may recall Angelo 's sense of ‘ the strong and swelling evil/Of my conception ’ .
20 If this was the case , then although the present analysis has concluded that the prevalence of known opioid use was still increasing in 1985–6 , it also suggests that annual incidence had peaked and was declining .
21 It also suggests , in its repetition , a continuity of action within time .
22 It also suggests why ‘ interdisciplinarity ’ may occur not simply at the notional boundaries of contiguous disciplines , but as a subtle and often unpredictable flow of information and influence from one part of the model to another .
23 It also suggests a unity of interest between the various forces of finance and conservatism .
24 It also suggests that there may be scope for significantly reducing the number of committals without interfering with the defendant 's right to opt for jury trial .
25 It also suggests that there can be substantial differences between temporary workers and regular workers in terms of their characteristics and attachment to the labour force .
26 But it also suggests that we have only one self-image : a portrait of the woman as a young person .
27 It also suggests that he saw the gift of the Spirit as the supreme characteristic of the kingdom .
28 The most recent work on the subject stresses the complexity and ambiguity of much of the legislation of this period regarding the serf population of Russia : it also suggests that after 1775 repression of peasant disorder may have been less arbitrary than before and that it was sometimes accompanied by efforts by provincial governors to persuade landowners to treat their peasants with greater humanity .
29 It also suggests that Government policy on education lacks clear targets for student numbers and participation rates in higher education .
30 It also suggests that the presence of toxic chemicals in reproductive tracts of people living near the Lakes " could be a factor contributing to the otherwise unexplained declines in North American fertility rates " .
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