Example sentences of "it 's wrong " in BNC.

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1 It 's wrong to assume that just because a cream says it contains plant extracts it 's better for your skin .
2 I would n't nick things anyhow , cos it 's wrong .
3 There 's nothing wrong with being friends — it 's only when you do summat selfish it 's wrong .
4 I disapprove of diets so strongly because I think it 's wrong suddenly to deprive your body of certain foods .
5 How else do we explain to Plant Managers and to Governments that it 's right for the Corporation to purchase products from non-European sources , but it 's wrong to supply European components to the United States because the US divisions would n't like it ? ’
6 They are nagged by the feeling that it 's wrong to mix pleasure with business .
7 ‘ I suppose it 's wrong to be glad someone 's dead . ’
8 It 's wrong .
9 It 's wrong , wrong , wrong , but that is the way it is .
10 It 's wrong for us to steal from someone who seems to be richer than we are just as it 's wrong for someone to steal from us if they think their need is greater than ours .
11 It 's wrong for us to steal from someone who seems to be richer than we are just as it 's wrong for someone to steal from us if they think their need is greater than ours .
12 It 's wrong that a man ca n't get to see around his own country .
13 How can he convince his wife that it 's wrong to spank her boys ?
14 We do occasionally get calls from people who 've dialled a number listed in one of the ads only to find that it 's wrong — an old lady in Dunfirmline insisting that she 's definitely not selling a Malmsteen Strat — or perhaps giving the ‘ unobtainable ’ tone on a number which does n't exist .
15 It 's wrong to get angry .
16 So it 's wrong to read anything into the failure of Peter Mandelson to be given a room — although the fact that he is dossing down in Tony Blair 's office is surely evidence of his continuing influence with the Bright Young Things of the shadow cabinet .
17 I think it 's wrong .
18 This can result in women feeling it 's wrong to tell people how they feel , especially if they feel angry .
19 What he says sounds plausible enough , but it 's wrong .
20 It 's wrong .
21 Expecting people to know it 's wrong to mug old ladies does n't seem unreasonable to me , but I 'm just a copper .
22 It 's wrong of me , but I wish I could be at Lady Mead , Goddy .
23 It 's only if you let it take over your life that it 's wrong . ’
24 ‘ Oh , I know it 's wrong to believe in such things , but Lilith could n't have known about seven , could she ? ’
25 It 's wrong to waste good food . ’
26 So does RELIGION , but science is better because it comes up with more understandable excuses when it 's wrong .
27 I wo n't do it — because I know it 's wrong . ’
28 All I 'll say is that you must be honest and , if it 's wrong and this man is a mistake , you must have the courage to tell me .
29 ‘ It 's not that we think it 's wrong to have girl-friends , we just choose not to at the moment .
30 It 's wrong . ’
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