Example sentences of "it had already " in BNC.

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1 Someone else said it had already seized up .
2 Like the ACAS report , the Scarman report sank without a trace but it had already fulfilled its function that of sapping the strength and momentum of the struggle .
3 It had already been shown by Lewis to Dent , publisher of Dymer , who rejected it .
4 It had already been love at first hearing .
5 He could hardly limp across the room and offer her a plastic spoon , especially as it had already been used .
6 Not least , the CIA was induced to help before it realized that the man with whom it would be dealing was one it had already discarded .
7 Taken by Mr Browning to view it — though since it had already been rented her approval was of no importance — she was at once charmed .
8 By the mid-nineteenth century it had already extended across the whole social spectrum .
9 In fact , though the statue was exhibited as the property of the Marquess of Tavistock and the Bedford Estate Trustees , it had already been sold to a Cayman Island company , Fine Art Investment and Display Limited .
10 It was written out of deep respect for the victims and their kin , and The Smiths felt it was an important enough song to put on their last single even though it had already been released on L.P. In a word it is a memorial to the children and all like them who have sufferered such a fate .
11 It had already been possible to offset some of the costs of industrial building , but this incentive was now extended to commercial projects in the zones .
12 It had already dawned on the girl that , from this moment on , she was on her own , and that there was nobody to stand between her and whatever might be devised for her in the future .
13 When she came to pay for the bill , she found that it had already been paid .
14 Moreover , it must be remembered that the unit is extremely small , and also that by the time that man was struggling with the birth pangs of civilisation , it had already been produced , by the wondrous process of evolution , in astronomical numbers .
15 It had already happened !
16 I pointed out that it had already been a month , and there was no record of me on the Chicago computer .
17 It had already been stripped of the lighting side of its business , the more profitable side , and now the tramway undertaking was to be absorbed into the unified transport system , of which so much had been heard .
18 After 1968 , genuine approval of his anti-Soviet stance gave a boost to the incipient cult and by 1974 it had already reached its high-point , from which it never subsided , but simply spread to a suffocating extent into all areas of public life .
19 Not only would The Silmarillion have to achieve the ‘ depth ’ it had already been used to create , it would have to do so without contradicting , and while if possible reinforcing , all the millions of details Tolkien had handed over to his readership already .
20 It had already been decided that Hayling was to remain as chief executive , and everyone who had been doing a specific job for the company was invited to carry on .
21 The AWB claimed in 1990 that it had already trained 12,000 men .
22 It had already received three written warnings ( one for fighting , one for being under the influence of drugs while in charge of a wood-turning lathe , and one for lateness ) and either had to leave or face the sack .
23 We do not know precisely on what grounds , but it had already broken down by August 1093 , the date which had been fixed for the final settlement of differences between the kings of England and Scotland .
24 It had already shared dinner and such a tough mouse deserved all the nourishment it could get .
25 It had already produced great wars and upheavals ; even greater ones were to come .
26 That there were many factors to be considered is shown by the fact that in 1880 the depression was only just beginning to be felt by industry , while it had already hit agriculture badly .
27 This bird , born around 1762 , lived in such comfortable circumstances that it had already reared eight broods when , to the consternation of its noble owner , it suddenly developed the plumage and spurs of a male and thereafter refused to lay another egg .
28 Why would a maker fit DR-DOS , when it had already paid for a copy of a Microsoft system ?
29 At the time of its merger with Powick , in the closing stages of the rundown of the latter hospital , the fusing of specialisms was seen to offer many advantages , but by this time it had already been decided to resettle residents in permanent community hostels .
30 The CHC went on to point out that it had already carried out its own feasibility study on the potential for a psychiatric hospital closure in Redbridge and Waltham Forest .
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