Example sentences of "it is today " in BNC.

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1 At the beginning of the year , however , the trend argument was much more plausible than it is today .
2 She became one of those women reporters whose listening ear and less judgemental approach to people in trouble helped to make the distillation of news the more respected practice it is today .
3 The orchard as it is today .
4 In 1922 it was not so easy to predict crop yields as it is today .
5 The economic climate in Britain was very different then to what it is today .
6 A lot of people just think by definition the world is going to carry on as it is today , but it does n't .
7 ‘ In my opinion the period from three to six is the most important and should be utilised much better than it is today .
8 She wrote : ‘ The reason China is in the state it is today after four decades of ‘ peacetime construction ’ is that every time a situation arises when people should shout ‘ No ’ to avert a serious policy error , there is nothing but silence . ’
9 Stockwell Junior School — David 's Brixton Junior School as it is today
10 This would mean the world being 1 ° C warmer than it is today by 2025 and 3 ° C warmer by the end of the century .
11 By comparison , the mean global temperature during the last ice age is estimated to have been 4 ° C colder than it is today .
12 And the whole of the new organization was co-located in the former Air Ministry/Board of Trade building on the south side of Whitehall , where it is today .
13 Produced in many parts of the Mediterranean , the oil has been a major trading commodity throughout history , just as it is today .
14 It is today — professionals such as Mr Peter Mandelson and Sir Gordon Reece believe — that the electorate make up their minds .
15 We are never going to win the World Cup with football played as it is today .
16 The position of those out of work in Britain then was much harsher than it is today .
17 The number of those over pensionable age will be far higher in the next century than it is today .
18 But what is particularly interesting in the context of what his house became in the Second World War — and indeed what it is today , a Post Office Engineering Training establishment — was his financial interest in the Anglo-American Telegraph Company .
19 The group was hardly set back at all by the major extinction at the end of the Cretaceous , and has never been more varied than it is today .
20 Even in those early days , before Nature had taken over to make the canal the gem of rural beauty it is today , it must have been a charming trip .
21 Secondly , incest was not a rare thing in those days , though as much frowned upon as it is today .
22 Not the way it is today , when on the rare occasion an employee accompanies a guest here , he is likely to be some newcomer who has little to say about anything other than Association Football , and who prefers to pass the evening not by the fire of the servants ' hall , but drinking at the Ploughman 's Arms — or indeed , as seems increasingly likely nowadays , at the Star Inn .
23 Their emotional development was not understood as it is today .
24 Four factors combine to make the British countryside what it is today : the geology of the earth 's crust , the climatic history of the glacial and post-glacial ages , the present-day climate ( particularly rainfall ) , and the influence of man .
25 Arnold Palmer made the Open what it is today .
26 Mr Court was a principal architect of this Society as it is today and I am grateful for this opportunity to pay tribute to the very considerable part he has played in the development of the Society over the past 16 years .
27 The northwest , before the days of air travel , was not as easy of access as it is today .
28 I had to buy The People and The News of the World which was then even more of a scandal sheet than it is today .
29 This history should be looked on as my attempt to explore the history of the College so as best to understand why it has become what it is today .
30 The galaxy shows several extraordinary features that may be connected with its extreme youth ( we are seeing it as it was when the universe was a third of the age that it is today ) .
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