Example sentences of "it is reasonable " in BNC.

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1 Whereas it is obvious that the launch must be abandoned anywhere near the ground , halfway up the launch it is reasonable to hold on for a few seconds to see if the speed picks up again .
2 Whatever the particular significance of these RPs in terms of information processing , it is reasonable to conclude with Libet that 550 msec is the minimum interval by which neural activity precedes a self-initiated , and therefore presumably voluntary , movement .
3 It is reasonable to associate a number of distinctive policies with the presence of Mrs Thatcher — the economic strategy , attempts to contain the public sector , toleration of high unemployment , reduction in the powers of trade unions , privatization , the vigorous prosecution of the war in the Falklands , the community charge , education reforms , change in the civil service , and Britain 's refusal to join the EMS .
4 With hundreds of thousands of paying spectators each week , with rising transfer fees , and the registration of clubs as limited liability companies surely it is reasonable to conclude that professional football was ‘ a business ’ ?
5 If a link exists between body temperature and the sensation of fatigue , then it is reasonable to enquire if the abilities to fall asleep and remain asleep are also related to body temperature .
6 Even though the rhythms in performance measured by the tests and ‘ real ’ tasks are similar ( compare figs. 5.1 and 5.5 ) , it is reasonable to ask how relevant are these tests to the ‘ on site ’ situation ?
7 Given that the re-editing of the film reduced the number of title cards from 300 to 80 , it is reasonable to assume that Woolf 's intervention considerably improved the film , and that Woolf 's commercial experience provided a valuable lesson both for Hitchcock and Balcon .
8 Given that there is little sign in early 1930s films of political comment disguised as fantasy or allegory , it is reasonable to assign limitations of these pictures more to filmmakers ' sensibilities than censors ' rules .
9 But it is reasonable to assume that Eastern Europe is still considerably better off than Brazil , which in early 1990 was reported to be $6 billion in arrears on its $115 billion debt and facing the prospect of 2200 per cent inflation during the year .
10 It is reasonable to assume that an alarming number of dolphin deaths must be occurring around the coasts of the continent which are as yet unreported .
11 When the find spots are plotted by king or tribal grouping it is reasonable to infer that the area of circulation of their coins , especially when these are of low value , reflects the territory of a king or tribe .
12 It is reasonable to think this became more common after the revolution and after the discovery of oil .
13 In the past , It is reasonable to suppose , shaikhs had less practical authority than after the revolution .
14 It is reasonable to suppose that man discovered the roller before developing the wheel .
15 It is reasonable to anticipate that wherever in this universe life evolves on the surface of a massive ellipsoid like the earth , the advanced forms will have one-fold symmetry .
16 The bank continued its banking facilities until the company 's voluntary liquidation in February 1991 and therefore it is reasonable to accept the reply that we gave . ’
17 It is reasonable to suppose , therefore , that in relation to social factors influencing decision making , the ASW played an important part .
18 I want to argue that it is reasonable to believe in God .
19 I would expect someone who claimed to believe in ghosts to give some evidence for their existence , and it is reasonable to expect the theist to give evidence for God 's existence .
20 If Philip Leapor 's mother was indeed the woman who died in 1726 , it is reasonable to believe that he took over a house which she had occupied , and leased a separate piece of ground for his nursery .
21 The view of the British Medical Association is that as every patient has a right to refuse medical treatment , it is reasonable for parents to decide for babies .
22 Nevertheless , it is reasonable to question the motives of IRA members and supporters in NICRA , and whether their influence might , at some future date , have led the association into subversive activities .
23 The specification produced earlier should be included and to assist the supplier in providing information it is reasonable to supply information on the following :
24 It is reasonable to assume , therefore , that there would be a residue of canine stock , who for one reason or another would be deemed unsuitable to die for the perverted pleasure of the gloating Roman nobility .
25 Later , we read that ‘ nothing … shall prevent a constable delaying taking a person who has been arrested to a police station if the presence of that person elsewhere is necessary in order to carry out such investigations as it is reasonable to carry out immediately ’ .
26 If this is to be done , despite the number who are brought up in other religions , it is reasonable to do it largely through the medium of Christianity , simply because Christianity exists as an institution in this country , and is by no means dead .
27 The lesson of history is quite simple : animal experimentation has played a crucial role in many major medical advances and it is reasonable to expect that it will continue to do so .
28 But I think it is reasonable as well as constructive to allude to the possibility that the human spirit is indeed evolving , that we are gradually ‘ widening the circle of compassion ’ , moving away from the narrower , more self-interested , more aggressive forms of social organisation to embrace the concept of one world in which we do indeed see ourselves as members of one human family .
29 But I think it is reasonable to observe that the major issues of the Falklands War were more or less written in the stars .
30 It is reasonable to assume that the carer 's preference provides some part of the causal explanation ; but it is also likely that the carers ’ preferences were influenced by the severity of the sufferer 's condition , and by whether long-term institutional care was expected , already planned , or already known to be unlikely .
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