Example sentences of "it possible for " in BNC.

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1 Also , in 1974 , an adoption Act made it possible for couples of mixed denominational or religious origin to adopt .
2 Today 's methods of birth control make it possible for a couple to choose whether or not to have a child .
3 She always mentions them in her winner 's speech but maybe the players taking part should take a moment to think what makes it possible for them to perform , and maybe say ‘ thank you ’ for all the years of loyalty from these people , instead of getting away from them as fast as they can .
4 The most important factor in ‘ free stretching ’ is that you know when it hurts and how far you can go , making it possible for you to immediately release the stretch should you need to .
5 In retrospect the most important event of 1986 may have been the conception of the new Networker train , filling a vital gap price and quality wise , at long last making it possible for NSE to plan systematic replacement of old EMUs .
6 Thus was it possible for one new Sprinter vehicle to replace at least two old DMU coaches .
7 Many of the reopenings were under the ‘ Speller ’ rule : Tony Speller 's 1981 Bill made it possible for services to reopen experimentally without the need to go through the formal closure procedures in the event of failure .
8 Mr Liljeros has maintained that too much time has passed to make it possible for Mrs Palme to point out her husband 's murderer .
9 I only mean to preface this discussion of cultural difference with an awkward question : in the world we have , is it possible for us — any of us — not to have at least some inferior others ?
10 Both the introduction of new rules on how societies could raise funds for mortgage loans and the 1987 stock market crash — which prompted small investors to get out of equities and put their money into building society saving accounts — made it possible for the societies to get their act together and fight back .
11 The Anglo-American special relationship , on the other hand , is as alive as ever , and has made it possible for us to buy advanced US weapon systems like Polaris and Trident on very favourable terms .
12 The past year 's thaw has made it possible for at least 35 non-governmental organisations to open up offices .
13 Without Mr Gorbachev as party boss , a rapid realignment of forces would take place , making it possible for a coalition-for-democracy to line up against the coalition-for-clampdown .
14 By a process of ‘ abstraction ’ , moreover , it was possible for these general notions to be ‘ impressed ’ on our minds or intellects , thus making it possible for us to think in terms of them .
15 How is it possible for someone to take my or anybody 's sin upon himself ?
16 How is it possible for Christ 's death to affect me ?
17 Was it possible for such a large amount of people as inhabited Athena Gardens to be genuinely so cheerful and contented ?
18 The Council of Nicaea was the largest assembly of bishops hitherto , and though the great majority of the members were from the Greek East , the presence of Roman legates and the prominent role played by the sees of Alexandria and Antioch made it possible for the council to be given the title ‘ ecumenical ’ .
19 It enables everyone involved to understand the Process that is going on , it makes it possible for grieving people to be looked after for a while , but not to sink into a chronic mourning state , because everyone knows when it is meant to be finished , and when the bereaved people are meant to pick up their responsibilities again .
20 If we know how horses communicate , it not only makes it easier for us to understand them and look after them , but it also makes it possible for us to communicate with them more satisfactorily .
21 You love it here , and I could make it possible for you to remain here .
22 So one may take it that everyone receives at least a smattering ; and more flexible A-level and university courses make it possible for people to combine more advanced science with arts subjects in a way that was virtually impossible in my day .
23 And how was it possible for a man with cardiac problems to win the greatest tennis crown of them all at Wimbledon in 1975 ?
24 Although he was the first to use motor transport on an extensive scale in Lewis — many a time as a youngster I ran a mile to see his fleet of yellow Fords — he failed to see that the advent of the bus made it possible for the crofter to live in the country and work in the town .
25 This alternative process made it possible for the first time to obtain 1- tert -alkyl , 1-cycloalkyl , 1-aryl , 1-heteroaryl and 1-aminoquinolone and azaquinolonecarboxylic acid derivatives by combined acylation and arylation ( aracylation ) of enamines and enhydrazines with o -halo-(het)aroyl halides .
26 The shape of a tapir makes it possible for it to push its way through the thick undergrowth at considerable speed .
27 Is it possible for the inmates to make the visitors understand what life is like for them , without arousing the hostility of the Warden ?
28 The key to the underlying tension here is in the line : ‘ Is it possible for the inmates to make the visitors understand what life is like for them without arousing the hostility of the Warden ? ’
29 Extrinsic signals representing the inner symbols are what make it possible for groups of humans to share a meaningful world .
30 but the crucial factor which makes it possible for middle-class women to enter the labour force and , at the same time , maintain traditional values in the home , is the existence of the domestic servant .
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