Example sentences of "it [modal v] give " in BNC.

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1 It may give us some answers .
2 You do n't need guests , you do n't need freezing weather or any other excuse to put pudding on the menu — although it is true that a good pudding shared with like-minded Billy Bunters makes for a convivial party , and if the day dawns cold and frosty it may give an agreeable edge to appetites .
3 The provision sometimes inserted in a settlement for giving remuneration to a professional man who is one of the trustees is open to considerable objection since it may give him an interest in incurring expense , and will , in any case , tend to make the other trustees leave the management mainly in his hands .
4 It may give evidence of trade , since coins were used as objects of trade .
5 I think it may give the Reader a worse Idea of her Person than it deserv 'd , which was very far from being shocking ; tho' there was nothing extraordinary in it .
6 When oedema of the male genitalia occurs , it may give rise to the intriguingly-named ‘ saxophone penis ’ .
7 More intimately , it may give us greater understanding .
8 ‘ But it needs to be done , even though it may give offence to the French . ’
9 It may give awareness of traffic and slamming doors but certainly will not respond to a skylark .
10 If we keep our nerve long enough it may give the police time to find out where they are being held . ’
11 Before we come to that ; however , it may give a better picture of the dynamics and movement of theology itself if we approach it more chronologically , and deal in turn with the two main impulses stemming from Germany and Switzerland which largely set the tone in the period from 1920 to 1960 — those associated above all with Karl Barth and Rudolf Bultmann — with trends outside Germany in that same period , and then with the movements which have received the widest attention in the last twenty years or so .
12 Although this may be a couple of years out of date , it only costs £3 and it may give some clues as to the strength of the company .
13 It may give a method for allocating resources in a situation like that described , but it is quite unclear how it could be used to allocate resources in general .
14 But the danger is that if relief is too often refused on such grounds it may give decision-makers the signal that it does not really matter whether they act within the law or not , so long as the decision is ‘ right ’ .
15 But his conscience it may fail him and his heart it may give way ,
16 Secondly if the first question is answered affirmatively , it is necessary to consider whether there are any considerations which ought to negative , or to reduce or limit the scope of duty or the class of person to whom it is owed or the damages to which a breach of it may give rise .
17 The social acceptability of a disability may , therefore , be more important than the limitations it may give rise to .
18 Parents or relatives often make donations to their old public school or college as some repayment for what it has done for them , or in the hope that it may give their child a better chance of entry !
19 Or it may give rise to a level of customer price-sensitivity which was hitherto absent in the target market segment .
20 The danger of this approach is that it may give the erroneous impression that companies are constantly embroiled in internecine strife , and that investors and creditors are habitually maltreated by dishonest or incompetent company controllers .
21 This can be helpful to us but it may give rise to difficulties and require careful handling if the client 's writing skills leave something to be desired .
22 Working through committees may provide opportunities for a form of participation in decision-making in an institution ( a cynical view would be that at least it may give the illusion of this ) , but by their nature committees can be introspective and restricted in their outlook .
23 However , it may give rise to the necessity for a fairly sophisticated mathematical calculation if a conversion table is not published .
24 To take an obvious example , the drafter may draft the terms referring to the parties as 'seller " and " Buyer " ; if a clause is then incorporated from a different document , referring to " the Customer " , it may give rise to difficult questions of interpretation : prima facie it will be assumed that " the Buyer " and " the Customer " are different people .
25 It may give them the light as well as what
26 Moreover , ’ he continued , ‘ perhaps it may give you some time to reflect on the Lady Maude . ’
27 And it should give managers an incentive to invest — both in themselves and in their company 's strategy — for the long term .
28 It should give the country the capability to design and build the next generation of Australian communications satellites as well as to win lucrative overseas contracts .
29 When we tell you that baked beans on toast ( as long as the toast is made with wholemeal bread ) is one of the best high-fibre meals you can eat , it should give great reassurance to those who enjoy the more homely delights of the table .
30 In long-term use it should give a good biological action , the sponge having a surface area of 113cm 2 .
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