Example sentences of "it [be] often " in BNC.

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1 The people whop sell it are often itinerant .
2 The people whop sell it are often itinerant .
3 It 's often thought that previous attempts have failed because there are n't enough well-trained classical actors in the USA to make such a repertory company feasible , but this is increasingly not the case : American drama students are eager to train in the UK , and the percentage of successful auditions held is relatively high .
4 The region 's exposed position also means it 's often notoriously windy .
5 He 'd walk me home from school and it 's often said that he carried my ballet shoes , which sounds kind of romantic , but he actually did sometimes , if I was carrying a whole load of things .
6 It 's often like that .
7 For the outsider , however , it 's often difficult to tell whether Dublin is undergoing a prolonged rock renaissance or simply wallowing in a lazy , hand-me-down hippiedom that outlived its sell by date everywhere else .
8 It 's often the way . ’
9 In the political world it 's often ‘ But that was an hour ago ’ .
10 It 's often Overlooked but it is probably the single most beneficial part — having a good time .
11 You learn to recognise them through experience ; it 's often an indefinable something that 's lacking .
12 In practice it 's often very hard to sustain .
13 ‘ One of the partners dies and it 's often very difficult for the one left alone with the big garden , particularly if they do n't drive . ’
14 It 's often from untypical or casual routine events that lasting impressions are made .
15 It 's often described as a jungle , and to be totally frank , it is .
16 And that when it comes to quality , service or safety , it 's often worth spending a little more ?
17 It 's often easier to make a link with one person first , perhaps by asking their advice on a problem that 's bothering you .
18 It 's often at night that emergencies happen .
19 It 's astonishing , but it 's often the last thing couples discuss when they get married ’ , says Jane Hawksley , a counsellor for Relate in Birmingham .
20 Though it 's often debated , undergravels may not be a good choice for those who wish to grow plants .
21 As Dave suggests , it 's often more use to read up on the natural background of the fish than to read a fishkeeper 's account of breeding it .
22 And that 's true , but it 's often forgotten that some of us on this side of the fence also play professionally — they say teachers are failed musicians and I suppose many people see music journalists as those not good enough even to teach !
23 Cutting the mids helped knock out the troublesome frequencies , but the sound did suffer , since it 's often the mid frequencies that you need to increase at higher volumes to prevent that harsh , trebly electro-acoustic sound .
24 We all surround ourselves with people who share our beliefs so that we feel comfortable , so it 's often the ‘ obvious truths ’ which we most need to question .
25 So it 's often sheer neglect on the part of the home owner that allows the thief to gain entry , and make off with your treasured possessions .
26 The average adult spends up to 300 hours a year in the bathroom , yet surprisingly , it 's often the room that receives the least attention .
27 It 's often too dangerous to have tantrums at school .
28 It 's often the result of months of chasing , and is very satisfying when that person is particularly famous , impossibly busy , or known to dislike talk shows .
29 Water resistance : little resistance to persistent rain but the fabric dries out so quickly after shows that it 's often not worth the bother of getting out your overtrousers .
30 Eastern Europe chills down and while it 's often dry , snow starts taking over from rain .
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