Example sentences of "it [was/were] simply " in BNC.

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1 Supposing it were simply words which now meant little , something vague perhaps .
2 ‘ The damage that has been done in the pursuit of production is the direct result of treating farming as if it were simply another business ’ BRIAN REDHEAD
3 That is the direct result of treating farming as if it were simply another business .
4 Where religion is reduced to either , and treated as if it were simply a form of knowing or a form of doing , it is lost to sight altogether .
5 The cause of her disadvantage rests in the social arrangements we make , yet there is a tradition of social analysis which attempts to blame the girl for her failure , as if it were simply her responsibility to overcome the conditions of class , race and gender to which she is subject .
6 Of course , if it were simply a matter of agreeing on an arbitrary definition , there would be little problem .
7 ‘ If it were simply that it would hardly be convincing , would it ? ’
8 But if it were simply a matter of providing skills to make their students more employable , that would be a much more dubious enterprise .
9 A disclaimer would not be effective if it were merely contained in the small print of a contract or if it were simply the subject of a casual remark by the salesman during negotiations .
10 Even his extraordinarily fecund language struggled to reassert the recollection : ‘ the ideal couple , ’ ‘ the beautiful inspiration , ’ ‘ illusion and reality , ’ ( by which he meant that it was simply too good to be true ; too perfect to last — a forbidding afterthought ) .
11 This was in part because it was simply not working .
12 It was simply the Top Ten , then certain pin-ups of artists of my person choice … sketched , in fact , by the editor himself . ’
13 According to Buried Alive , the 1973 biography of the singer by Myra Friedman , Joplin pleaded with Seth to force her to stop taking heroin , but he thought it was simply a play for more attention .
14 But at the beginning , at clubs like Shoom and Future , the music went beyond classification : it was simply good music .
15 It was simply a dull dot on a map .
16 This was now ; there was a reason for everything ; it was simply a matter of courage and patience .
17 Detached from its energy source , it was simply a piece of dead metal .
18 One marcher thought that it had been deliberately chosen to be provocative ; others suggested that it was simply the most direct route .
19 He had caught up with and passed his rival in a latter of a few strides in a quite extraordinary spurt of acceleration for a steeple-chaser carrying twelve and a half stone at the end of a three-mile chase , and for the big horse it was simply too much : Mill House weakened rapidly and by the time Arkle had strode home to a rapturous reception Mill House had been passed by Rondetto .
20 At the last fence Crisp , though he walloped the gorse into the air , still held a substantial lead , but Red Rum — with twenty-three pounds less on his back — was charging along now , and it was simply a matter of whether Crisp could survive the desperately long run to the winning post .
21 Now it was simply a matter of whether the embarrassment of a Foinavon victory could be headed off , but he was thirty lengths in the lead turning away from the Canal Turn and showed no signs of giving up .
22 It was simply described as ‘ sensitive ’ .
23 It was simply that most people , while wanting the ends , preferred to walk away from the means : especially when they were distasteful , and most especially when they failed .
24 No , I do n't think it was that ; it was simply the view he took of certain roles , certain music .
25 It was simply tiredness , she explained , she needed a couple of hours ’ sleep .
26 But then he exploded into life again and it was simply a question of when Carr would go down .
27 Perhaps the enormity of what he was doing got to him — the difference , perhaps between hardened professional and gifted amateur — or perhaps it was simply that the holes became too tough for him .
28 It was simply an unfortunate choice of repertory .
29 It was simply the imminent arrival of Charlotte .
30 In this respect , of course , the Palace was no different from any other house of the period : It was simply a question of scale .
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