Example sentences of "to be chairman " in BNC.

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1 Having been replaced as head of ITV 's sports committee by LWT 's controller of programmes , Greg Dyke , he is off to be chairman of TSL , an independent production company .
2 Mr Gough is to be chairman and joint senior partner with Mr Bullock deputy chairman and joint senior partner .
3 A Central Management Committee was set up for the Government legal service and , as senior Government lawyer , it fell to Ware to be chairman of this and to become head of the parallel Legal Career Service .
4 I 'm not here just to be Chairman , I 'm here because I believe in things . ’
5 I was going to be chairman and chief executive and Bob Clarke , my chief executive , was going to run the food side .
6 The man who offered this piece of advice turned out to be Lord Cole , who was chairman of Unilever at the time and went on to be chairman of Rolls-Royce and several other major companies .
7 But could I switch to be chairman of Burtons , for example ?
8 A week before the Milk Marketing Board agm it is a fair bet that there will be plenty of reports about who is likely to be chairman of that august organisation by the end of next week .
9 You do not need to be chairman of the meeting to wield power , various other roles and devices will also serve your purpose .
10 Although in poor health in 1912 , he accepted an offer to be chairman of the delegates to the Congress of the Deaf in Paris 1912 on their visit to London and entertained them lavishly .
11 It 's a terrific team and to be chairman of that team is something very special . ’
12 The introduction he now regards as ‘ inevitable ’ came in 1965 when a friend — who happened to be chairman of the RSPCA 's Leeds branch — asked him if he liked animals .
13 When specifically asked if Flashman is fit to be chairman of a club in his League , he said : ‘ I 'm certainly not prepared to answer that question . ’
14 ‘ I happen to be chairman of the medical panel . ’
15 Jackson , Mississippi-based LDDS Communications Inc , Metromedia Communications Corp and Resurgens Communications Group Inc have now reached the letter of intent stage in their plan to merge with LDDS shareholders retaining about 68.5% of the combined company and John Kluge , chairman of Metromedia , expected to be chairman of the combined company with Bernard Ebbers , LDDS chief executive , taking that post ; the combined company will be the fourth largest long-distance carrier in the US , a title that has been held by a whole string of companies over the past few years .
16 Well was to be Chairman , was to be Vice Chair now under these this new .
17 Lord Harris agreed to be chairman and a group of academics , about half of those whom Robertson had approached , turned up to an informal first meeting at Dean 's Yard , Westminster ( ‘ Suddenly all these distinguished geezers I had spoken to on the phone were there in this room ’ ) .
18 Shortly before his death he had been pleased to see his son , Major Alan Sykes , also later to be Chairman , appointed to the Board .
19 He was the last missioner to the deaf to be Chairman of the BDA , and it is virtually certain that he was the last hearing person to hold this office .
20 Jim Lowe , Fiona 's father , used to be chairman of the club and is also on the Nordic committee of the Scottish National Ski Council .
21 ( 1 ) Every licensing board shall elect annually one of its number to be chairman of the board , and until a chairman is elected , or if the chairman is absent from any meeting , the board shall elect one of its number present at the meeting to be chairman of that meeting .
22 ( 1 ) Every licensing board shall elect annually one of its number to be chairman of the board , and until a chairman is elected , or if the chairman is absent from any meeting , the board shall elect one of its number present at the meeting to be chairman of that meeting .
23 Settling in Colinton , he rose to be chairman , an authority on the history of Scottish typography , and a printer of fine editions of , among others , the works of R. L. Stevenson .
24 It was all of these factors and experiences which made him an outstanding teacher and a distinguished consultant ( perhaps the only person to be Chairman of the local association of the ICE and IStructE in successive years ) .
25 ‘ And unfit to be chairman of our Society .
26 I know perfectly well that when he was chairman of the Greater London council he wanted an elected police authority , and I think that he wanted to be chairman of it
27 It is surely unique in Britain for a failed Conservative candidate to be chairman of not one but two quangos .
28 King Fahd on Sept. 16 appointed Muhammad ibn Ibrahim ibn Jubair , the Justice Minister , to be Chairman ( with Cabinet rank ) of the 60-member Consultative Council ( majlis ash-shoura ) whose creation he had announced on March 1 together with other political reforms [ see p. 38839 ] .
29 ‘ But how did you get to be chairman ?
30 Er for example Claire 's on the er board as you know non Executive Director on er I 've just er become honorary treasurer of the I 'm , not quite sure whether that 's a plus or a minus at this point in time er and also volunteered to be Chairman of an Airport Supporters ' Group so please do n't tell anybody where I live
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