Example sentences of "to recent [noun] " in BNC.

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1 And that 's official according to recent figures from the National Health Survey .
2 According to recent figures published in ERT ( the journal of the electrical trade ) , a family of four using a dishwasher will have 30 kWh of electricity in a year .
3 The mayor of Darlington is costing the town more than £1,000 a week according to recent figures .
4 This latter unit ( formerly the HO Research Unit ) does provide some research material for those who seek it out and its bulletin is a reference source to recent government funded research , which is largely concerned with operational systems and the tools of policing .
5 Drug abuse is spreading alarmingly fast according to recent government figures .
6 The kidnappings , together with the NPA 's continuing military campaign — the guerrillas had killed 41 government troops in a single ambush on Feb. 15 , provided evidence that , contrary to recent government claims , the NPA was not a spent force .
7 You refer in part d erm , to recent Government announcements which you say will make the fight against crime less effective .
8 As was noted in chapter 4 with respect to recent work on the hau , by embodying ancestral links objects may be the basis of an individual 's present social identity such that loss of the object would itself constitute a danger to the legitimacy and viability or the personage and the group he or she leads ( Wiener 1985 ) .
9 But then she did n't usually sleep so soundly out of doors , and she put her reactions down to recent stress .
10 Emphasising that " the key to a peaceful solution lies in the hands of Afghans themselves " , he said nevertheless that the talks had been made possible by the " new , positive and changing " United States attitude , a comment widely regarded as a reference to recent US congressional moves to cut aid to the mujahedeen by 10 per cent .
11 In their final declaration ministers said that the radical nature of the cuts had been prompted by the " decisive steps towards democracy and freedom in the Soviet Union " and the " constructive Soviet response " to recent US arms control initiatives [ see pp. 38457 ; 38553 ] .
12 Particular attention will be devoted to recent proposals to reform UK competition policy .
13 The fear that the tax burden will continue to rise rapidly , to finance growing public expenditure on a population with more old people , led to recent proposals for radical changes in the Welfare State .
14 An ANC statement on March 1 had criticized the Law and Order Minister , Adriaan Vlok , for unilaterally restructuring the police force without reference to recent proposals made to the government by the ANC .
15 Due to recent grant aid from the EC , Cavan Indoor Riding Centre , one of the most up to date in the country , has been attracting Ulster riders in their droves .
16 The reaction of small businesses to recent deregulation measures , ( especially those contained in the 1989 Companies Act ) will also be monitored and evaluated .
17 Indeed , many of the postures struck in the 19th century have been carried through to recent times ; the belief , for example , that the educated do not enter business is still widespread , if not endemic in the national consciousness .
18 Rupert Hall 's short history of the college guides us through the years leading up to this event , then on through the 20th century to recent times .
19 In pure strength , apart from their flexibility , the lashings , sewings and bindings used by primitive peoples , and by seamen down to recent times , are more efficient than metal fastenings , indeed sledges are still made in this way .
20 These have been concerned with documenting changes in American colonial society , from its inception to recent times , through the analysis or material culture , mainly derived from archaeological excavations , but also from extant buildings .
21 The Eskimos of Alaska were collecting amber and trading it at the late summer fair held at Kotzebue on the north-west coast down to recent times .
22 Newton 's account of his discovery of the true nature of light and colour has , however , as Professor Hall comments in new biography , ‘ misled posterity down to recent times ’ .
23 ‘ Lipograms have survived to recent times .
24 That 's that that up to recent times was happening in .
25 The range of courses extends from the Anglo-Saxon period to recent times , and includes Scottish Literature and the literature of the United States and parts of the Commonwealth .
26 Analysts interpreted Masri 's appointment as an indication of King Hussein 's commitment to a liberal democracy [ see pp. 37052 ; 37392-93 ] and to recent efforts to revive a Middle East peace process [ see pp. 38116-17 ; 38210 ] .
27 FURTHER to recent correspondence in WCM , there were in fact five wicketkeepers on the field simultaneously during the England v Sri Lanka Test match at Lord 's last August .
28 I refer to recent letters about the cost of house sales and also to an article today in your Property section .
29 In late March the Indonesian government responded to recent attempts by various Western countries to establish a link between human rights concerns and development aid by announcing its rejection of all aid from the Netherlands and the disbandment of the Netherlands-chaired 14-member aid consortium , the Inter-Governmental Group on Indonesia ( IGGI ) .
30 MORRISSEY is to play a pre-Christmas gig in Paris and , in response to recent criticisms ( not least in these pages ) , special schemes are being put in place to ensure fans are not again inconvenienced by a last-minute cancellation .
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