Example sentences of "the past and " in BNC.

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1 To look at the work of an art critic in this way we have to turn to historians of taste for the past and to journalists for the present .
2 Later in the book Mr Fraser recognises that he has talked both of rubbing out the past and of preserving it : ‘ The aims seem contradictory , do n't they ?
3 Then there is the woman question , which arises in the novel in a fashion which sets us wondering , as in the past and as in the case of the above encounter , which parts of the bad behaviour on display Amis quite or largely likes .
4 This structural awareness can be as hard to handle as any decision to try to publish the account , for what has happened in the past and what is expected now from the insider is tied up with an understanding of how the institution of policing prefers to present a restricted image for outside consumption , as I have described above .
5 Communitas is of the now ; structure is rooted in the past and extends into the future through language , law and custom .
6 This is not a new issue and I have spoken to the Tyne Brewery and its counterpart at Masham on several occasions in the past and tried to argue that ‘ brewed in Newcastle and Masham ’ would indeed be a more honest alternative to their current advertising policy .
7 But it was still comforting to have with us little Liena , our 19-year-old interpreter who was a very competent rock climber and all-round mountaineer , for she had climbed Elbrus in the past and could give assurance that we were on the right course .
8 The graduate in English was to be to some extent a scholar , in so far as he or she had a sense of the past and the capacity to understand literature in its historical contexts , particularly linguistic ; beyond that , what was looked for was wide reading , an appreciation of masterpieces , and a capacity to write well , attend to evidence , and disentangle sense from nonsense in argument .
9 Concealed within Rumens 's story is one other — a fairly familiar account of how jealousy can enfeeble the strongest of us , and how when that jealousy is of the past and of cultural differences it is probably unbeatable .
10 I feel very strongly that a man like Cram , who has served his country very well in the past and won a host of medals , deserves more loyalty .
11 David Jones , chief executive , is acting in a determined way to remedy the ills of the past and will reverse some of George Davies ' more grandiose schemes .
12 And this shifting between the past and almost- present is equally felt in the choreography — it contains some of the cleanest , most authoritative classical dance Page has produced while simultaneously suggesting modern bodies and modern mores in the way the dancers loll negligently on the floor or challenge each other 's strength .
13 And , given that All 's Well is a play in which mementoes of the past and symbols of family tradition ( rings , secret medical cures ) carry such a charge and play a crucial part in the plot .
14 ‘ Now we are selling 50,000 vehicles it gives us encouragement that European consumers will forget the past and give us another chance , ’ said Mr Miller .
15 But More also linked eastern thought about reincarnation to Darwinism , since both stressed the presence of the past and the idea that the most primitive forms persisted in the modern .
16 One approach is to imagine different outcomes in the past and ask ‘ what if ? ’
17 According to Bulpitt , ‘ in so far as monetarism was associated … with ‘ arms ' length ’ , anti-corporatist government , then … the statecraft ( of monetarism ) must be viewed as less a radical break with the past and more as an attempt to reconstruct it' .
18 ‘ I 've often watched you in the past and wondered how you know exactly the right time to enter the bidding , the right time to leave , ’ Moran praised .
19 Within the Western tradition of art we tend to take it for granted that much can be learned from the study of the art of the past and , traditionally , copying from the works of the Great Masters was one of a young student 's most important tasks .
20 Erika was still not completely sure what the text meant but one thing about it was clear , people had better things to do than to dwell on the past and surely — it came upon Erika in a flash of intuition — surely the State was doing just that : not , of course , leaving the dead unmourned , and certainly not forgetting the evils of Fascism , but moving forward — preaching a socialist gospel — and not merely preaching it , doing it : making a fairer , better , juster Germany .
21 In another letter he suggested constructing the ‘ Little End Room ’ in a spare bedroom at Headington , ‘ a place where we can always meet on the common ground of the past and ipso facto a museum of the Leeborough which we want to preserve ’ .
22 He had cut himself loose from the past and had good hopes of making a comfortable landfall .
23 In an increasing number of cases , no margin at all , as has been the case in the past and is so today in parts of Africa .
24 No Chancellor of any party has ever done that in the past and no Chancellor is ever likely to do so in the future .
25 Concentration means lowering one 's eyes from the past and the future — especially the future .
26 This is perhaps not unexpected , given their reverence for the past and their long tradition of scholarship and collecting stretching back over several millennia .
27 It was n't just here and now , he was part of the past and he was going to sign up for the WEA history and archaeology classes .
28 It takes them back into the past and helps them relax at the same time .
29 While O'Neill would have shared some of those views , he was more concerned with the future than with the past and he deliberately set about ending Ulster 's ‘ petty apartheid ’ by visiting Catholic schools ( no previous Ulster premier had ever set foot in one ) , being photographed talking to priests and nuns , and meeting a cardinal .
30 Instead , the intention here is to concentrate on the coins themselves , showing their potential value as evidence for the past and , broadly speaking , how this evidence can be interpreted .
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