Example sentences of "the city and " in BNC.

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1 The film and television industries are important ingredients of the city 's culture and the Festival reflects this life-style in its informal atmosphere , giving endless pleasure to the many cinema goers from the city and to the numerous professionals who visit the city for the Festival .
2 I 've set up my own production company now to harness the talent that 's in the city and bring more media business to Birmingham .
3 He was now in the CID in the city and somewhat tentatively asked what subject I was reading .
4 His home , a very well disposed , if modest , semi-detached residence in the affluent part of Montreal known as Westmount , backed on to a park overlooking the city and the mighty St. Lawrence River and port .
5 While its gardens were small , it had the inestimable good fortune to back on to a park with splendid views across the city and one arm of the river .
6 The book highlights such subjects as animism , Jewish , Christian and Hellenistic ‘ mythologies ’ ; the realities of health , sickness and death ; of nature — its seasons ( notably Spring and Winter ) and its glories , as well as its decadence ( we find no evidence for Djwa 's contention that ‘ the book moves through cycles of winter death followed by spring rebirth , ’ any more than for her ‘ structural myth ’ or ‘ controlling Orpheus myth ’ which form the foundation for her critique of the book ) ; of rationality and madness ; loneliness and intimacy ; of truth and treachery , prayer and protest ; of prophet and priest , doctors and teachers , angels and devils ; freedom and slavery , sainthood and sinning , wonder and despair , war and peace , love and loss , beauty and brutality ; regret and humour ; sensuality and discipline , joy and sadness ; of the greatness of God and his creation , and the pitiful smallness and incompetency of man ; the city and the breadth of nature itself : sea and air , rivers and countryside ; savagery and urbanity ; loss and its disappointing pangs .
7 We saw the city and marvelled .
8 The outer security ring is about 22 miles from the city and this would be extended to about 62 miles as deals are struck with local tribes , he said .
9 During the Seventies , several London-based studies of supplementary licences and electronic road pricing were made , all involving a pay zone covering the City and West End , but what officials proposed , politicians never disposed .
10 The proportion of shares expected to go to Christopher Bland , chairman of LWT Holdings and architect of the scheme , is also being questioned , both within the City and the company .
11 In reciprocation , Glaswegians roll the name Dziekanowski off the end of their tongues with ease , happy to acknowledge his impact on the city and keen to extend the warmest of welcomes .
12 The hope must be that both bodies have emerged from the fire hardened in their dealings with other regulatory bodies on behalf of the City and the country .
13 For lengthy passages of the Chancellor 's speech , while Mr Lawson addressed his wider audience in the City and the country at large , their on-cue responses seemed more mechanical than enthusiastic .
14 The City and the Confederation of British Industry had been looking for some indication of earlier participation in the exchange rate mechanism of the EMS .
15 Meanwhile , there is mounting pressure from the City and from industry in favour of an earlier move towards full participation in the EMS .
16 Both the city and the CBI were strongly critical of the budget : Sir Terence Beckett of the CBI spoke of the need to have a ‘ bare-knuckle fight ’ with the government , though this aggressive posture later disappeared .
17 It has the text of Isaiah 31 : 5 , ‘ As birds flying , so will the Lord of hosts defend Jerusalem ’ ; and above the city and cathedral of Durham an airman rides upon an eagle , protected from above by a winged seraph .
18 She visited Durham to see a friend and fell in love with the city and began to help with girls ' clubs in Durham and Sunderland .
19 Tortured between the city and the savage , Eliot 's was a nightmare world .
20 The Baudelaire in whose work he had found at Harvard both the city and the savage now acted as his guide ; blasphemy led to and joined belief .
21 Meanwhile , though , his interests in much of his prose gravitated towards the city and the consideration of social order .
22 As with the living dead of The Waste Land 's London and the inane savages of its ‘ mudcracked houses ’ , so in ‘ East Coker ’ the primitive rituals of the countryside and the ( essentially commercial ) life of the city and City both point only towards death .
23 One of the uses of understanding how this transform of the city and savage theme continues in Eliot 's work is that in seeing how this primitive countryside ( like the animistic rose-garden ) connects with London 's metropolitan world , it becomes apparent that there is a political aspect to the Four Quartets .
24 What matters more is the poem 's preoccupation with the city and its destruction .
25 Without missing a wing beat , he bore her high above the city and flew on .
26 After lunch he 'd go into the city and come back with a whole armful of roses , the price of many shirts . ’
27 Our own choice was made soon after our move from the city and the switch from the desk to a spade and scythe .
28 Sam and Graeme Fifield-Hall were quite happy living in the city and running a business .
29 After months of turning deaf ears to warnings by the City and industry , the Department of Energy has at last conceded that nuclear plant can not be included in the share float without state support .
30 The first rule books devised by the Securities and Investments Board ( SIB ) led to a torrent of complaints from the City and the replacement of the first chairman , Sir Kenneth Berrill by the Bank of England director , David Walker .
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