Example sentences of "the priority [verb] " in BNC.

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1 He wears the obligatory half-a-ton of metal round his neck and backwards basebell cap , and the album sleeve even includes the credit Footwear by Adidas — which gives a good idea of the priorities involved here .
2 She is right to draw attention to the priorities involved in enhancing safety .
3 The change would be nonetheless profound for it would involve a revaluation of the priorities given to these claims for attention .
4 ‘ When other factors , such as the history of vandalism in the neighbourhood of a particular school and value of contents within the building are taken into account , the priorities become clearer . ’
5 However , in the late 1970s they stated quite categorically that they were not able to take an initiative on the priorities set down in national policy .
6 The priorities set are as follows :
7 The priorities revealed by this governmental advice , and the effects which the introduction of this technological development may have on relations between those who use non-domestic premises , are discussed here by means of a comparison .
8 It is certainly true that the priorities favoured by one style of management have no guarantee of being upheld by another .
9 The priorities used are RESUS , Major A , Major B , Minor A and Minor B. The ENP saw only Minor category patients .
10 In November last year , at a conference held by the G M B we highlighted the priorities needed to deal with these regulations .
11 For our purposes , the executive will be understood to refer to the body of government ministers together with permanent senior officials ( bureaucrats ) who are involved in the basic decisions over what policy proposals to initiate and pursue and the priority to give them .
12 If the latter makes a search , the priority extends to cover the transfer , too , or the lease where there is a lease instead of a transfer ; but note that the converse is n't true , so the mortgagee must always search , and should n't rely on any search made by the borrower , who can properly rely on the search made by his or her mortgagee .
13 The priority selected was the daily strewing of articles which her mother had to pick up .
14 The Scottish Office decided on Wednesday or Thursday of last week to transfer that question under the priority written procedure to the Secretary of State for Transport .
15 Obviously , I did not receive an answer to my question from the Scottish Office and , even under the priority written procedure , I have not yet received an answer from the Secretary of State for Transport .
16 I supposed that I ought to have brought the Ghost down too , but the priority had been to save myself from what seemed like imminent electrocution .
17 It accepted that while there were arguments for a full scale review , the priority had to progress on an alteration which as quickly as possible , established the principle of a Greater York new settlement and progress on the greenbelt local plan .
18 In both countries , therefore , the priority given to education was reflected in high levels of expenditure .
19 There are specific difficulties affecting the primary sector such as the reduced ability to release teaching staff , the demands of National Curriculum implementation , a perceived lack of relevance and the priority given to the secondary sector by many companies .
20 One outward , visible sign — alongside a daily obedience to God — is the priority given to songs and expressions of worship .
21 Both this case , and Gomba Holdings UK Ltd v Minories Finance Ltd , which dealt with the taxation of a receiver 's costs ( see ACCOUNTANCY , August , p 86 ) , indicate that the days of undisputed acceptance of insolvency practitioners ' fees are over — perhaps a natural reaction , given the recession and the priority given to the payment of such fees in an insolvency .
22 Inevitably the inequality in numbers was reflected in the priority given to issues .
23 As the level of county commitment to social education lessens it would seem to be a time for us as members of local parish , town and diocesan communities to look at the priority given to such work with our own young people .
24 Their belief that government activism can lead to benign policy changes has been echoed in the priority given by the administration to health care reform .
25 We have already seen how authority within companies is deemed legitimate when it is based on educational achievement and length of service ; attitudes towards public sector bureaucrats who occupy high office are likewise framed by the priority given to individual merit displayed by educational status .
26 Association with colleagues after working hours could be taken as an indication of the priority given to company matters but it may be reluctantly undertaken .
27 In so far as this book is a plea for some measure of reform in the priority given to sexual considerations in social work cases , public attitudes must be seen as creating obstacles .
28 The following examples , adapted from Firbas ( 1986 : 58 ) illustrate the priority given to context over linear arrangement .
29 Separating them out , however , signals the priority given by most parents to managing the economic dependency of living on state benefits as independently as possible .
30 Alongside the priority given to food and fuel goes a restriction of expenditure on items which are — or can be treated as — individual and less essential , like clothes , shoes , private transport and leisure .
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