Example sentences of "the trouble [verb] " in BNC.

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31 But whether you 're backpacking with all your camping gear , food and so on or just out for a day walk , it pays to take the trouble to assess your requirements before buying .
32 But as the trouble escalates , media coverage concentrates on the riots themselves and not the injustice that caused them .
33 The protest vote theory , though valid , was not sufficient to explain why 2 million adults took the trouble to vote for organic smallholders and kindred green souls who had hitherto made little impression on the political scene .
34 The careless , the not-very-bright and the indifferent ( if they took the trouble to vote at all ) would record preferences with a similar lack of understanding of their implications .
35 Suppose that on average 80% of the 1.3 m. electors took the trouble to vote — say 1.0 m .
36 " The trouble resembled a miniature Mutiny on the Nore " .
37 Thankful that I had taken the trouble to gather dry wood while it was fine , I lighted the fire , and soon had a cheerful blaze going .
38 Nothing conclusive has been found and it seems only time will tell if the trouble re-emerges .
39 The trouble began after spectators carrying flags of the opposition Mohajir National Movement gathered near a high steel fence outside the general enclosure and shouted slogans expressing their opposition to a visit to Pakistan planned by Indian film stars .
40 Then the trouble began feeding on itself .
41 The trouble began in November 1978 when Docherty attempted to sue the Scottish international winger Willie Morgan over remarks the player made about his style of management on a Granada TV sports programme called Kick Off .
42 For years , since the trouble began in the North , all firearms , even the most ancient , were kept under lock .
43 The trouble began in an infamous televised row with the BBC 's Desmond Lynam when , after a 0–0 draw with Denmark , Taylor felt he had to defend his team .
44 The trouble began in Nanjing , as reported in the China Daily on 27 December .
45 The trouble began with the inability of the German Government to meet their reparations obligations , and with the intransigence of the French , much greater than that of the Americans or the British , towards giving them relief on politically acceptable terms .
46 The trouble began on Aug. 19 when a car from the motorcade of Rebbe Menachem Mendel Schneerson — the leader of the Orthodox Jewish Lubavitcher sect — ran through a red traffic-light , went out of control and mounted the pavement .
47 The trouble began when 10,000 Moslems marched in the town centre , protesting that permission had been granted for a five-day Christian revivalist rally to be addressed by a German preacher , Reinhard Bonnke , whereas some weeks previously permission had been refused for a South African imam to visit Kano .
48 The South African foreign minister , Mr Pik Botha , publicly threatened to abort Namibian independence and was apparently cajoled out of it by Mrs Thatcher , who was in Windhoek when the trouble began .
49 The trouble began when grandather Garland died about thirty years ago — in my father 's time — and left almost everything to Edwin .
50 They said the trouble began on Saturday night at a bistro in the Kinsangani district .
51 ‘ No-one would go to the trouble to devise such an imposture , and kill at least once , probably twice , to maintain it , just for the possibility of a few snippets of military information .
52 If you are actively involved in the industry , please take the trouble to arrange for the questionnaire to be completed on behalf of the organisation with which you are working .
53 Of the many directives gummed to the glass partition , one took the trouble to thank me for not smoking .
54 For him , the inability to locate the source of the trouble resulted in unmethodical chaos .
55 His mother , called Erica , who wore a straw hat to cricket matches , and who was obviously as kind as he was , since she 'd taken the trouble to drive the Colonel — a complete stranger — all the way to Taunton in order to watch the one-day county match and — and …
56 When did the trouble start ? ’
57 Lots of people are fed up with the way their lives are headed but they do n't often take the trouble to do anything about it .
58 To come within the scope of the law of confidence , the information does not have to be particularly special and , as in the above case , ordinary and mundane information can be the proper subject matter of confidence as long as it is private to the person who has compiled the information , even though others could gather similar information if they took the trouble to do so .
59 The trouble came because it was also the place where Simon liked to pee — and on the newest plants from the market garden in Boston Spa .
60 But that was where the trouble came when I lost my sight he was left with both the practical side and the er bookkeeping as well which he did n't understand at all .
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