Example sentences of "the [noun sg] difference " in BNC.

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1 In both countries , the income differences had been narrowing .
2 This perspective focuses on the income differences within each distribution separately , but does not take into account the reordering of people 's positions in the distribution that takes place in going from one to another .
3 That working-class wages would remain at subsistence level — the fact is that the real wage of the average worker has increased by a factor of over ten between 1900–70 in the UK and by a factor of fourteen in the U S over the same period ; that collective ownership of the means of production would result in an increase of wealth for the workers and so improve their lot — the fact is that in both Russia and Cuba it has been necessary to restore discipline in factories by introducing a military routine with the surplus value being siphoned off by the state ; that communist revolutions would start in such advanced industrial countries such as Britain , France , America and Germany — the fact is that a socialist revolution has taken place in none of these countries ; that conflicts between states are the results of capitalism and will cease under communism — the fact is that in the streets of Budapest and Prague , in Afghanistan and on the Soviet-Chinese border we have seen the power of the Red Army being used against fellow communists ; that the income difference between capitalists and workers will rise — the fact is that in all industrial countries the effective after-tax , after-benefits real income gap between rich and poor has diminished ; that capitalism will collapse because of its internal contradictions — the fact is that capitalism has not collapsed in any Western country , yet .
4 But if you ordered a ten thirty delivery and it arrived before noon , we would just give you the money difference the before twe , ten thirty and the before noon price , not the complete price .
5 Erm I have laid round the table this morning , and I hope you have it , a single sheet of paper which sets out the component differences between the projections and the County Council .
6 The side-walls of the train concourse were devoted almost entirely to Reiss 's murals … and the end wall was covered with a world map and clock dials showing the hour differences in various time zones .
7 But I was , and that 's always going to be the brute difference between us , is n't it ?
8 Current account surplus or deficit : The deficit difference between exports and imports provides a country 's current account position .
9 If the concentration difference K=Ca 2 + ; -3H + ; is positive then , for example , brown trout will thrive ; if negative they may not survive ( concentrations are expressed in microequivalents per litre ) .
10 Experiments using sucrose solutions show that , at a constant temperature , osmotic pressure is directly proportional to the concentration difference across the membrane ; at a fixed concentration , the osmotic pressure is directly proportional to absolute temperature .
11 Within each layer convection is occurring , but the density difference between the layers associated with the concentration difference prevents this convection penetrating from one layer to another .
12 In Woonerf-type streets cycling should be strongly encouraged , for it is here that the speed differences between cars and cycles that are so dangerous to the latter are minimised .
13 For our present discussion , the most interesting finding concerns the difference between these two narrative conditions : both comprehensibility and recall were better in the after-theme condition than in the no-theme condition , although the recall difference did not reach significance .
14 The myriad differences between accounting procedures , fiscal requirements and business practices within the Community have evolved over hundreds of years , and despite the promise of European harmonisation , are not about to disappear overnight .
15 The slope , b , is mathematically very close to the proportion difference , d .
16 In years to come the percentage difference is likely to be much larger .
17 Value of new commissions awarded to architects for the second quarter of 1990 , showing the previous quarter ( left ) and the current quarter ( right ) , and the percentage difference between the two .
18 Figure 10.1 shows the percentage difference in correct identification of stimuli between visual fields for each condition .
19 Table 9.4 shows the percentage difference of allocations for Regional Health Authorities from their ‘ RAWP Targets ’ for four funding years , each three years apart .
20 This obviously causes a minor slow down in perceived performance as far as the SX chip is concerned , but the percentage difference is small enough to be negligible in real world applications .
21 Even taking into account scene nine , the percentage difference between instances of hesitation in the first six scenes ( 43 instances ) and the last six ( 5 instances ) is 860 per cent , a figure which would suggest that the difference would be perceptible to the reader or audience .
22 Leaving aside for the moment differences in personal qualities and skills , which may or may not vary with the curriculum , it would seem that graduates who can offer both expertise and ability are in the strongest employment position , those who offer either one or the other may also find a job niche , but that those who offer neither are worst off .
23 Do we really need Kaplan-Meier and log rank techniques to dismiss chance ( ie , accept that there was a real effect ) as the explanation of the outcome difference ?
24 Despite the reams of analysis of new environmental taxes , Mr Major did next to nothing , except raise petrol duties by 10% and widen the tax difference between leaded and unleaded petrol by less than 2p , to 16p a gallon .
25 ‘ However , the tax difference is small and affects relatively few people .
26 Leaving aside such considerations as whether you would still be able to have your grandchildren to stay and looking at the matter strictly in financial terms , it is as well to realise from the outset that the cash difference on the exchange — in other words , your profit — will invariably be less than you expect .
28 These risk factors accounted for about one third of the grade differences in sickness absence .
29 Identified risk factors accounted for a small proportion of the grade differences in sickness absence .
30 The grade differences in sickness absence were present in all age groups .
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