Example sentences of "the [noun] around " in BNC.

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1 I found some interesting things while I was doing all this : a home-made astrolabe I 'd carved , a box containing the folded-flat parts for a scale model of the defences around Byzantium , the remains of my collection of telegraph-pole insulators , and some old jotters from when my father was teaching me French .
2 They soon left the estate , crossed the highway , and entered the park around Maran Hill .
3 And this will assist the fragmentation around the imagined absoluteness of ethnic differences upon which both the New Right and the ‘ cultural nationalists ’ from the ethnic minorities have been premising their demands for cultural separatism in education ( cf.
4 She pulled the fur around her .
5 But he did start to walk towards the crowds around the Ship .
6 This causes the nodes to contract regularly , thereby propelling the lymph around the body .
7 I think he 's done it , I think he 's across the river and safe and there 's a buzzy glow of vicarious accomplishment starting to well up within me , but then there 's a cracking noise and he falls ; I think he 's tripped and fallen forward but he is n't lying flat on the snow , he 's sunk up to his waist in it and there 's a pool of darkness spreading on the whiteness around him as he struggles , trying to lever himself out and I ca n't believe this is happening , ca n't believe Andy is n't going to jump free ; I 'm yelling in fear now , shouting his name , screaming out to him .
8 When the labourers around Arundel rioted in 1549 , although their main grievances were economic , they also protested at the changes in the familiar rituals .
9 The great transitions of life — birth , marriage and death — retained their power over the imagination , and the rituals around these are all that have kept many churches functioning .
10 There was one more group dealt a glancing blow by the Prince around the same time : and this was Britain 's farmers .
11 Save the trek around the shops — order right away , and that useful gift can still be with you in time for Christmas .
12 On beaches , vulnerable plover chicks , not yet able to fly , crouch low and motionless , the colour of their down so close to that of the pebbles around them that their major hazard comes , not from being seen and eaten , but from not being seen and trodden on .
13 ‘ No , I mean who tied the ropes around their necks ? ’
14 He moved away from the mirror , seated himself a little way from the top of the main staircase and wrapped the tails of the shirt around his legs .
15 His pale eyes ice-burned Jess 's skin as she hastily pulled the remnants of the shirt around her .
16 She shuddered , then slipped the shirt around her bare shoulders before heading towards the landing .
17 Meh'Lindi was soon way out of sight of the Squat around a wide bend .
18 Television 's response to the struggle around Clause 28 reflected the status the campaign achieved in the political arena .
19 It was the same expression he 'd had when backing away from the struggle around the campfire just before Osvaldo — his beard still smouldering — had put him under arrest .
20 The win over Ipswich hoisted Sunderland three places up the table , and they still have two or three games in hand on the clubs around them .
21 ‘ Also , young people will get frustrated with the system if the institutions around them do n't give them a means of expressing themselves , ’ he added .
22 In other words , the lights were off in the living-room except for the strobes around the disco where a lonely DJ was pumping out Frankie Goes to Hollywood , and all the guests at the party were in the kitchen cluttering up the fake oak worksurfaces and obscuring the Neff oven .
23 this has inaugurated a new kind of critical atmosphere and has been gathering conviction at the institutional and managerial level just as much as in the studios and in the discussions around art .
24 It is the sentence around which she has shaped her identity .
25 During the day the bed is moved into the shade of the arcades around the courtyard where you sit or lie upon it outside your door , and catch whatever breeze is going .
26 The video features Eb , alias Gerry walking a dog and The Shamen around London doing very silly things indeed .
27 For two years my father-in-law shuffled the money around various building societies , chasing the best interest rates , which at times were around the 20 per cent mark .
28 Pc Masheder said , ‘ I felt the tightness around my throat becoming even tighter .
29 The Author weaves the narrative around the detailed eyewitness accounts of aircrews , groundcrews and those who built the large four engined bomber .
30 Melanie stood with her face against the cold glass of her window-pane , seeing not the bleak yard and the lights blossoming in the backs of other houses but berries reddening on the hedges around home and fields glinting with frost .
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