Example sentences of "removed from [pron] " in BNC.

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1 French teachers , being civil servants , do not choose their schools ; they are posted to them , and may be removed from them and sent elsewhere .
2 Typical examples are attacks on postmen or aggression towards an owner when a toy or other item is removed from them .
3 Most will be reluctant to undergo assessment , either because they are involved in criminal activity or they expected to be subjected to a judgmental and disapproving attitude towards themselves , or because they are afraid their children may be removed from them .
4 At its most extreme , someone 's capacity to choose which course of action to perform is removed from them .
5 Quite apart from my academic concerns and duties — consciously removed from them , indeed — I have political interests and commitments focussed also on Europe .
6 Given the national publicity surrounding that school and the instability and chaos there , what procedure exists for schools that lose or have removed from them their grant-maintained status ?
7 He 's married to someone so socially and culturally removed from him she might as well be a foreigner . ’
8 Auguste was thankful when he turned into the doorway of the hotel , the sight of other temptations removed from him .
9 He was rather glad that Araminta would be some way removed from him , and reflected that cold water might be no bad thing .
10 As will be seen from the example below , the drama can be far removed from what could be recognised as a child-centred activity :
11 But what our faith ‘ should be ’ may be far removed from what our faith ‘ is ’ .
12 The forces that we are dealing with are so far removed from what we regard as the material world that they will completely revolutionize physics and philosophy and bring about a profound change in humanity 's perception of reality .
13 ‘ The problem for people at the USTA and the LTA is that they are too far removed from what is going on in tennis to know what is really required , ’ he says .
14 Although Valerie had not been present for any of the discussion among governors and teachers on the appointing committee ? her remarks were not all that far removed from what had transpired .
15 It was hardly surprising that this was the case , and it did n't stop me from giving interviews , but they seemed so far removed from what we were actually trying to do .
16 In one case a child was removed from her mother after a fracture at the age of 18 months .
17 Like tonight , faced with the ordeal of going to a grand dinner party with people who all knew each other and were far removed from her experience , she had acquitted herself proudly and well .
18 A bad case of Millerus Liteis , as doctors would say : she was having the ever-present pitcher of beer surgically removed from her hand .
19 After some time she was removed from her mounting pedestal , stripped down to bare metal and repainted in an accurate B-model colour scheme .
20 Twenty four hours before admission she had had a transitional mole removed from her back under local anaesthesia in the outpatient department .
21 Florrie was affectionately known as ‘ Hairpin' Axford through her use of a large hairpin which she had removed from her hair on more than one occasion to ‘ make a point ’ , as she herself described it .
22 Removed from her abominable parent , and cared for properly , she would give him the heir he needed .
23 The patient had been removed from her previous general practitioner 's list six months previously and was at the material time on no doctor 's list , and the Crown Court had held that it was not practicable for a doctor who had acquaintance with the patient to make the recommendation .
24 Accordingly , an emergency protection order was obtained and T. was removed from her mother 's care and placed with foster parents .
25 ‘ For it seems that she was removed from her own altar without human agency — or at least you have found none .
26 She was unimpressed by both her grandfather 's reputation and his work : she had removed from her bedroom wall a large still-life of gladioli and a small representation of a baby 's head and stacked them carelessly on the landing in order to make room for a poster of Humphrey Bogart .
27 This was intended to discredit the duchess and have Princess Victoria removed from her care , and even , Conroy feared , killed .
28 He had guessed that this place was a palace to her , and she wondered suddenly if she was a complete fool even to consider getting mixed up in his world , when it was so far removed from her own .
29 Quickly , my aunt searched for , and eventually removed from her black suitcase a small , green metal tin , labelled ‘ Dangerous Drugs Box ’ .
30 She tried another and another , until finally the receiver was firmly removed from her grasp and replaced back on its cradle .
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