Example sentences of "paying [adv] much " in BNC.

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1 The rival politicians know this , which is why they are paying so much attention to the news media .
2 So my father went over on the Monday evening and after such a a young man paid such interest in the garden and paying so much compliments , Well you ca n't go home without coming in for a cup of tea .
3 has been our sales ledger and wages clerk throughout her time with us and will be best remembered by the workforce for her help in answering their questions such as ‘ Why am I paying so much tax ? ’ and ‘ Has my code number come through yet ? ’
4 The young lady is talking as if she 's a member of the family because she 's paying so much over there .
5 Well how come when we 're paying so much ?
6 You will wear them more frequently than any single outfit of clothes and it is worth paying as much as you can afford to get a pair that make you feel and look good .
7 Since I , without the benefit of tax relief , am paying as much as I am for the Monarchy , I would like them to do what they have to do in silence .
8 However , even the inland counties might find themselves paying as much in local military taxes as they did for the subsidy ; and coastal shires might well pay more .
9 Many of the drinkers questioned felt cheated that they were paying as much or more for nablab products while the brewers paid far less duty ( and practically nothing on alcohol-free products ) than on their normal brews .
10 Even tenants , with no heritable interest in the buildings they occupy , want professional advice on how best to maximise space which they might ( even in Scotland ) be paying as much as £26 for on every sq ft , every year .
11 Er they certainly were n't paying as much .
12 What , what , what he said no doubt P C was looking after his troops and he was n't paying as much attention to what I was doing as I was taking .
13 Not paying too much is one of these .
14 Not only is AT&T probably paying too much , it should not have been trying to buy the firm in the first place .
15 The investment bank therefore had a powerful incentive to make sure its client won its bids , regardless of whether it was paying too much .
16 Are you sure you are n't paying too much tax ?
17 ‘ We all know that XR3s and Cossies seem to attract a lot of unwanted attention , but I feel I 'm paying too much insurance on what is a Plain Jane family saloon , ’ he says .
18 Some argue that valuations may yet fall further and that care is still needed to avoid paying too much for the wrong deal .
19 That we 're paying too much income tax .
20 Banks which have expanded through acquisitions , notably Banc One and NationsBank , have developed models for measuring intangible values in order to avoid paying too much for a target .
21 But you can have a fascinating time in Baden without paying too much attention to the spa .
22 ‘ Flying planes can be dangerous ’ is the type-sentence of semantic ambiguity because it can yield both a passive and an active interpretation , and here a variation is used to demonstrate the danger of paying too much attention to public opinion .
23 They are seen as paying too much attention to narrow financial criteria , but insufficient attention to other important and vital factors like management skills and technical knowledge .
24 Either way the notion is both ill-informed and ridiculous and it comes from paying too much attention to newspapers like the Guardian .
25 The whole problem of gainers and losers has been complicated in the early 1990s by the fall in property prices which may cause many to feel that they are paying too much tax , as a result of being placed in an unduly high ‘ band ’ .
26 A solicitor can help you ensure that you are not paying too much tax and that you claim every allowance to which you are entitled .
27 The Body Shop had brought a complaint against the Board , claiming that it was prejudging the Commission 's view , and that it was paying too much attention to industrial lobby groups and not enough to the concerns of consumers and environmental organisations .
28 And for which we are paying too much .
29 With respect er I was n't paying too much attention to er to what was being said in as much as this possibly sounds negative but our concern is not for what people are shouting at us our concern is for whether we 've got a threat er in a particular area , in this case the bedroom , and whether we can try and sort that threat out before somebody is injured .
30 It says Morland is paying too much for the new pubs and that it 's ’ the latest in a series of flawed actions by an increasingly desperate board . ’
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