Example sentences of "lots [prep] time " in BNC.

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1 The BBC , quite rightly , had given Potter unprecedented freedom , a large budget , and lots of time .
2 ‘ Yes we are friends , we have known each other since we were both 12 years old and we do spend lots of time together , ’ she said .
3 There 's something about the soap opera form that really does encourage discussion because it spells out and gives you lots of time to consider these moral or personal dilemmas .
4 ‘ We 've spent lots of time in the fields and woods this summer . ’
5 When a couple are ready to retire together , the outlook may be a rosy one : lots of time to share , new interests to follow , old ones to be resumed .
6 Is he a baby really , a stupid kid who hides your toys because he wants you to get mad and spend lots of time trying to find them because otherwise nobody 'll take any notice of him ?
7 ‘ It is as modern as tomorrow with lots of time for yesterday , ’ says Mr Brandreth , suggesting that Mr Clinton could fly to Manchester Airport and stay at the Chester Grosvenor , the Hotel of the Year .
8 The whole exercise should take about ten to fifteen minutes — leave lots of time for the ‘ imagining ’ part .
9 As very small children , too , we had lots of time to get things done in the same pattern .
10 Lots of time and money is wasted through inadequate consideration and understanding of persuasion techniques .
11 Lots of time spent reading light novels , listening to music , watching the television or talking are helpful , as is the ability ( perhaps aided by a drink or a pill ) to fall asleep when these more active anodyne activities come to a halt .
12 He was getting ready to retire and I thought I 'd have lots of time with him . ’
13 Can I , I want to pick up er , something that that Margaret said which is , I 've got lots of time to worry about it .
14 the er loss of their fertility and the loss of their children and , have sexual problems and problems like that , and they do n't necessarily need H R T they need lots of time , which they 're given .
15 I think the other thing I dislike as pressure is to be with people and to , to be happy when actually , lots of time , I would rather just be on my own !
16 You think , well there 'd be lots of time to think and read , it would n't be too bad .
17 There 's lots of time too to practice on single handed Toppers — an ideal way to gather confidence and experience .
18 Schools of beginners spend lots of time in the water at first , but who cares when it 's warm ?
19 Lots of strong winds and flat water make Bitez the best choice for funboard sailors who might want to spend lots of time practising carve gybes .
20 ( Lots of time for girls later on … )
21 CATHERINE Do n't go yet , there 's all kinds of things we have to talk about , there 's lots of time .
22 You have lots of time . ’
23 That fine piece of legislation would have long since passed into law and we would have had lots of time to spend on Opposition days , motions of censure and other matters on which we could spend our time much more effectively .
24 There was lots of time before he was due to meet Amaranth Wilikins for lunch at the Black Chapati , ‘ where English eccentricity adopts oriental exoticism to produce something special ’ , or so Jonathan Meades in The Times had said .
25 That left lots of time to kill , so Zen rode a bus back up to the centre and wandered along the Corso .
26 Blyth had lots of time to realise what was happening , jumping about the Snake Park screaming as the frantic and enraged snake bit his stump repeatedly , and little Esmerelda must have had some inkling what was going to happen to her as she was slowly blown away .
27 He has lots of time yet .
28 And I think she 'll still do lots of time on top .
29 Fraser 's had two thousand pounds in cash and been allowed lots of time by the airforce , and the army gave him a radio used in the Falklands — the rest he 's done himself with a mortgage
30 ‘ It might have saved lots of time if they did , but there you are .
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