Example sentences of "hole in the " in BNC.

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31 But there had also been this other vision — of the ‘ green wood full of primroses ’ — which he had glimpsed through a hole in the wall , and which promised all the things which Lewis and Greeves had come to label ‘ It ’ or ‘ Joy ’ .
32 Make a hole in the potting compost with a dibber or pencil and poke your cutting into the hole , making sure the rooting end touches the compost at the bottom ; you should get six cuttings in a four-inch pot .
33 When complete , it should fit snugly into the entrance hole in the side of the box .
34 She is expected to place great emphasis on Britain 's contribution to controlling the hole in the ozone layer and global warming .
35 My own choice for the single most influential factor would be the decision of the Hungarian Government to subordinate its very clear obligations under an agreement with the GDR to its general duty under the Helsinki Final Act of 1975 — a decision which blew a hole in the sealed frontiers of the GDR , and relegated to the past the comfortable slogans of the last three decades .
36 Engineer Peter William Barlow sank the first hole in the ground on Tower Hill in 1869. 130 years on we 've got creaking trains that have been in service for 30 years and more .
37 He was to have to wait until 1987 when , amid great grey curtains of mist and murk , he played one of the greatest of championship courses , Muirfield , by parring every hole in the last round .
38 Kitted up some five minutes later with a pair a good size too small and with a hole in the right toe , McLeish led his troops into action .
39 The army blew a hole in the barrier round the Americans ' fine embassy , and sacked it .
40 She began sliding from the chair towards the gaping hole in the floor .
41 There was something in his walk — his whole aspect — as if , instead of having come out through the front gate , he had squeezed through a secret hole in the fence .
42 Sadly , mine is a sort of hole in the wall — not possible to move — so I spend more time running back and forth to fetch tools than I do using them .
43 I could make a hole in the lid and feed balls of string through .
44 It wo n't want to stand around while we talk ; and if we get off its back and tie it to a fence , it will dig a hole in the ground through sheer impatience .
45 To give the children a surprise on their next visit , I took a small toy lion from my plastic carrier bag and pressed it into a hole in the edge of the doorway .
46 I pushed open the door and we looked at the hole in the floor .
47 Sam pulled the door open and we looked into the scene that was all too familiar to my eyes ; an expanse of muddy water , the hole in the ceiling overhead and the curtain of iron mesh across the exit to the river ; a dock big enough for a moderate-sized cabin cruiser or three or four smaller boats .
48 He answered at once , ‘ Whenever I 'd found the hole in the floor .
49 DIG a small hole in the ground , fill it with sand and you have fulfilled many designers ' criteria for a child 's garden .
50 Later on you can turn the small pit into a muddy puddle for the odd water lily , and contemplate , while scratching mosquito bites , whether the building of a few sandcastles justified a hole in the patio or the loss of a dream border to that safe , but monotonous , area of lawn .
51 In even smaller gardens the only solution may be a bamboo wigwam smothered with runner beans , into which junior can crawl and consider , if not the lilies , why Mum and Dad are digging a huge hole in the lawn and filling it with sand .
52 She left a hole in the campaign when she departed this week for a pre-arranged lecture tour in the United States .
53 After being trapped by a roof fall at 4.30pm on Monday , the six miners , a pit deputy and a mining engineer crawled to safety through a small hole in the rubble clawed by the hands of their exhausted rescuers .
54 But it is worth bearing in mind that he is a fine iron player and , until his seven at the 10th hole in the third round of the Players ' Championship , he was jointly leading the field .
55 Seeing a big hole in the jeweller 's shop window , we realised it was not .
56 ‘ Take my word for it , I 've been going for 30 years since the well was a bucket in a hole in the ground , and there is plenty of water , ’ she said .
57 One Monday morning I lay in bed looking out of my skylight window at nothing in particular ; there was n't anything to see except sky because the window was merely a hole in the roof which you could open or shut with a long wooden handle .
58 The silver ball sped up the slight incline lighting up the Bakelite mushrooms as it struck them , ricocheting back and forwards , up and down , before vanishing down the hole in the corner .
59 Secondly , packing should be in strong boxes , with handles for ease of movement and a hole in the base , covered with tiles or oyster shells for good drainage .
60 In this bundle , all the hydrophobic surfaces are hidden and the researchers surmise that this makes a water-soluble package for a hydrophobic part of the molecule , which actually creates the hole in the insect 's gut .
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