Example sentences of "lead [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ There is no neutral algorithm for theory choice , no systematic decision procedure which , properly applied , must lead each individual in the group to the same decision . ’
2 The members of this parliament immediately set about introducing legislation to reform abuses within the English Catholic church , and during the course of the next seven years they passed a series of statutes which would lead that church into schism and formalize its break with the Roman papacy , which has lasted down to the present day .
3 Therefore I do not see why tonight I might not occasionally , if the argument should lead that way , be guilty of saying in office some of the things which I have said out of office .
4 At one point , it even adopts the most severe , falsificationist version of traditional method , arguing that any one of its falsifications of the existing psychological theory of moral reasoning should lead that theory to be rejected .
5 At trick two you cash the Ace of Diamonds and thereafter the defence can not dare to lead Diamonds and must always lead another suit at you any time they are on lead .
6 This may lead some health workers , families and older people themselves to believe that there is little to be done to improve the circumstances of people with care needs .
7 Ahmed does not lead this revolution .
8 Very well , tell me you will lead this mission , and I will torment you no more . ’
9 There was much speculation that the likely formation of five Länder in East Germany after the election could lead individual Länder to accede to West Germany by this route . )
10 Bull will lead co-operative development projects for a range of symmetrical multiprocessing systems based on its multi-processing expertise .
11 As the South African issue rears its ugly head again , DON CAMERON asks who would lead any tour of the Republic .
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