Example sentences of "depends on a " in BNC.

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1 The technique depends on a highly selective etchant solution that etches patterns in the thin film of material used to insulate layers of superconductor in the thin films of material used to insulate layers of superconductor and stops when the superconducting is reached .
2 Indeed the long-term success of free-market policies depends on a change in public mood .
3 The problem is that , as we have seen , the Marxist theory of society depends on a contradiction between conflicting principles and on a conflict between different classes .
4 So this opportunity depends on a difference of opinion : investors thinking that prices are going to carry on rising , while firms rush to exploit what they see as a temporary state of affairs .
5 His answer depends on a distinction between tacit and explicit consent .
6 The mechanism whereby they move depends on a process of recombination , so they are parasites whose success depends on the devices that have evolved in cells to replicate and recombine DNA .
7 ‘ The Labour Party must produce policies which convince voters that their own prosperity depends on a government which takes active responsibility to promote a strong economy and that their own security — and that of their families — is best advanced by a government which works for the welfare of the whole community . ’
8 The integrity of the gastric epithelium depends on a balance between aggressive and defensive factors include the mucus layer and the secretion of bicarbonate to neutralise gastric hydrochloric acid .
9 An answer to this depends on a correct definition of human uniqueness rather than looking at those features Man shares with animals . ’
10 The British Parliament depends on a direct constituency link .
11 The pre-emption thesis depends on a distinction between jurisdictional and other mistakes .
12 The claim that principles chosen in the original position express this nature depends on a certain conception of the person which is among the deep common presuppositions of our culture but no more .
13 If the CR observed in the original context depends on a summation of its own excitatory strength with that controlled by the context , then a decline in the vigour of the CR is to be expected in a test context lacking excitatory strength .
14 Reduction of such insect populations will in turn reduce the fish population , which depends on a diversified , rather than a straightened and uniform , channel .
15 What law governs the situation when a lucid adult whose continued existence depends on a ventilator decides that his existence is no longer tolerable and that he wishes to die ?
16 This view depends on a radical misunderstanding of the nature of the imagination .
17 The quality of an essential oil depends on a number of different interacting factors : soil conditions , climate , altitude and the time of harvesting — which is vital .
18 Also , she failed to be swayed by arguments that Britain 's future industrial prowess crucially depends on a strong base in computing research .
19 ‘ We think it depends on a kind of imprinting .
20 Critical doubt depends on a myth , the idea that human knowledge is totally objective and neutral .
21 How many fish you can keep depends on a number of factors , size of the tank , size of the fish , filtration , and in some cases the fish 's need for territories .
22 The success of the body in maintaining its integrity or its wholeness therefore depends on a highly intricate series of interlinked specific reactions and responses .
23 But the industry 's success depends on a different kind of fashion slave to the one that updates his or her wardrobe every season : travailleurs clandestins , immigrants working illegally in sweat shops and erratic casual labour .
24 When general it ordains a standard , which however has not more but less authority than the particular choice , since it depends on a generalization about everyone 's reactions in a recurring situation , which is as vulnerable to exceptions as any other generalization .
25 But they are ranged on a continuum and a satisfactory account really depends on a theory of language which encompasses both grammar and lexis within the same descriptive scheme and makes explicit the relationship between them .
26 Whether it translates into practice depends on a number of imponderables .
27 The development of overt lung cancer depends on a second chemical insult ( the promoter ) , a chance event that may occur 20 to 40 years later , or not at all .
28 In Salmagundi , E. D. Hirsch argued that literacy depends on a common background knowledge , a core of information , not of texts .
29 How quickly ‘ the ’ issues will be raised obviously depends on a number of factors — the difficulty of the issue , the ability of the counsellees to express their ideas , and the quality of the counselling relationship .
30 ‘ That depends on a phone call . ’
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