Example sentences of "heads [conj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 In the woods of oak she passed glades where cowled men chanted over carved wooden heads or walked about the piled armour of dead warriors .
2 All shook their heads or mumbled a negative .
3 Well , when he came out I thought it were er tape heads that had gone .
4 Data is written to a floppy disk by a double set of heads that pass very , very close to the disk surface .
5 Wednesday 's Breakfast Time brought another science story which , notwithstanding a clutch of talking heads that included Des Wilson of CLEAR , left viewers more confused than before .
6 In ex-army gear I would n't be seen , as long as I kept still , sitting on my hands , pale face buried in a heather clump , but those long heads that rose between rasping bites of coarse grass had twitching noses that never stopped their search for the enemy — a very efficient sort of olfactory radar .
7 For most reviewers of Auerbach 's work shown in London in 1987 there was no doubt that the series of depictions of heads that dominated the show were portraits .
8 A born raconteur , the racy style of his lectures , with his well known yarns — the most famous being that of the ‘ Woman who did ’ — I suspect got more chemistry into our thick heads than did the much admired cool , classic perfection of the lectures of Prof F. L. Pyman .
9 And it 's all done with flashing eyes , waving arms , tossed heads and wringing hands .
10 Foaming liquid sprayed above the dancers ' heads and fell to the floor with the dry rattle of earth sprinkled on wood .
11 And the self same people who shake their heads and utter these remarks are the ones who will be heading off to the Med or Florida on their holidays next year , doubtless piloted there by someone up front who began his or her career on a little grass strip flying those little aeroplanes that look so flimsy .
12 What species of idiot , he wondered , had found it fun to murder them , cut off their heads and use them instead of wallpaper ?
13 Sarah designed some swings : ‘ There are green triangles at the sides to stop children banging their heads and getting hurt . ’
14 There are those who shake their heads and make negative noises about guidebooks like this , but there is an argument that says the publication of a Corbetts guide could take some of the pressure off the Munros .
15 Waves crashed over their heads and burst through the open saloon door .
16 The rain was cold on their heads and streamed down their necks inside their clothing .
17 They will take very seriously their responsibility for the protection of crowned heads and deport all known anarchists , as well as people they consider suspect .
18 Sitting close , they threw back their heads and swayed ecstatically , a performance that precedes each shuffle on — or off — the egg .
19 In these circumstances , it is convenient for corporate officials to pull the cloak of honest ignorance over their heads and proceed under its darkness to stumble blindly and unwittingly over the thin line between what is condoned and what is condemned .
20 And she laughed her laugh , that shocking laugh which turned heads and caused her to blush and put a hand over her naked mouth .
21 The citizens of Riverbank hung their heads and shifted their feet nervously .
22 punch down any protruding nail heads and countersink screw heads .
23 The green men in their cloaks of leaves and branches then discovered them , and came down to the beach and circled Dulé and his companions where they lay prone , and shook their fronds and squatted on their haunches and kicked their legs and tossed their heads and slapped palm to thigh , in order to rally them and send them off again ; pouring spirits and water into their faces to invigorate them , beating out a rhythm with their feet .
24 Again , study our leading riders to see how they keep hold of their horses ' heads and remain balanced themselves .
25 Even as he uses the accommodation in Annexe A to manoeuvre Serafin into discovering for himself the waiting garret , so he is using the garret to manoeuvre him into rejecting all the proposed associates in Annexe B. Once Serafin has insisted on installing himself in the garret — against all reasonable advice — he is going to discover that the kind of staff he needs will be young and agile , with a good knowledge of the backstairs of Government buildings and an ability to duck their heads and remain inclined slightly forwards for long periods of time .
26 When approached by a possible killer they hide their real heads and raise up the tips of their tails .
27 They 'll turn their heads and stare . ’
28 Or that of the poor themselves , for daring to bend their heads and stare ?
29 It would be stupid to say that there are no egos , there 's always been a push and pull and there always will be , ’ explains Burgess , coolly positioning himself within the team framework — the intelligent old pop heads and firebrand upstart combination that makes The Charlatans devilish in Brit pop terms .
30 It would be stupid to say that there are no egos , there 's always been a push and pull and there always will be , ’ explains Burgess , coolly positioning himself within the team framework — the intelligent old pop heads and firebrand upstart combination that makes The Charlatans devilish in Brit pop terms .
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