Example sentences of "referred to [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 When these films made over a twenty year period have , on rare occasions , been seen by Western audiences , critics have referred to him as neo-neo-realist or post-Brechtian film-maker .
2 All major decisions , either on the international diplomatic front or on military strategy inside Cambodia , are referred to him .
3 The only passage I could find which could have referred to him was a section describing a debate during the LSE sit-in when the students were deciding whether to break down a pair of iron gates which lead to the bursar 's office .
4 When the TV star subsequently referred to him in interviews as ‘ an extortionist ’ and ‘ a tennis show pimp ’ , the angry Edwards brought two $10 million suits against Hall for defamation suits which were thrown out of court this March .
5 The widespread influence of Kerschensteiner ensured that reformers referred to him for guidance on the matter .
6 The local press referred to him as the Supremo .
7 ‘ The Doctor ’ , as the old man referred to him on her subsequent visits alone , ‘ the Doctor said as 'ow ‘ e were all for veg , like Mr Chadwick . ’
8 He had met Graham , or Green as he had referred to him throughout the interrogation , for the first time at the Windorah .
9 Angelica said that such a gesture would certainly catch the local people off-guard ; a new policeman had been appointed to the area about two years before , and everybody still referred to him as ‘ that newcomer ’ .
10 Dorothy had referred to him as ‘ that chap with the birthmark on his face . ’
11 In 1774 Joseph Priestley [ q.v. ] , one of the leading chemists of the day , referred to him as ‘ a good chymist ’ and five years later Erasmus Darwin [ q.v. ] , who knew Warltire as ‘ a celebrated itinerant teacher of natural philosophy ’ , sent his son to Etruria to join the sons of Josiah Wedgwood [ q.v. ] in private chemical tuition with him .
12 A. N. L. Munby [ q.v. ] described him as ‘ a collector with an eye for quality and the means to indulge it without stint ’ and , no doubt in tribute to the superb quality of his illuminated manuscripts and early printed books , referred to him as the ‘ Ideal Connoisseur ’ .
13 We are surprised that the guidance makes scant reference to the importance of strategic planning guidance , particularly since it stresses the close scrutiny which the Secretary of State will want to give to large scale or controversial proposals , which must be referred to him .
14 There 's nothing Jack loathes more than reading some publication in which I 've referred to him as a saint and I 'm sure Reggie feels the same way .
15 Information on individual cases is referred to him in so far as it might help him to frame proposals for orders and changes in the law .
16 It is possible for the Secretary of State to direct that a certain category of development should be referred to him if local planning authorities are minded to grant permission .
17 The Secretary of State may receive representations in the light of which he may decide to require a particular application to be referred to him for decision .
18 His part in the murder proceedings had attracted unwelcome publicity ; the tabloid press invariably referred to him as ‘ the Shropshire Sherlock ’ , a nickname which had not afforded his rustic constituents much pleasure .
19 He was adamant that all dealings with Allied governments — even those transacted at distant points in the French Empire — should be referred to him .
20 Five of his friends thought the article referred to him — an identification made all the more far-fetched by the fact that the fictitious character was described as a Peckham Church Warden .
21 Even though he had accepted general responsibility for his company 's operations , and would probably have agreed to print the books had the decision been referred to him , he could not be convicted unless he had been given specific notice of the offensive material .
22 Chefs like myself have referred to them and kept them at hand since they were written over 10 years ago , along with books such as Jane Grigson 's on vegetables .
23 SCD acted on behalf of a primary housing co-operative , Ekarro Housing Co-operative , who were active in the area , housing single people referred to them by various caring agencies .
24 When they arrived the hospital team changed tack and referred to them about all matters with regard to the girl 's care because they were the next of kin .
25 According to the Commission for Racial Equality , one similar instance a week is being referred to them .
26 Before this single , the rather distanced American rock press failed to probe deeply into the phenomenon of The Smiths and had constantly referred to them as some kind of wacko gay outfit , English eccentrics playing lightweight rock .
27 The crews later referred to them as basket-cars or shower-baths , from their open fronts .
28 In 1859 Engels contemptuously referred to them as the ‘ ruins ’ of a people ‘ no longer capable of a national existence ’ .
29 As to claims that religious education was inadequate , he pledged the Movement ‘ to investigate any individual case referred to them ’ and promised ‘ to leave no stone unturned to make the most satisfactory arrangements possible , .
30 The Romans referred to them as ‘ the good people ’ , and each household had its own retinue of such ancestral ghosts .
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