Example sentences of "suggested [that] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Even further back , in Charles II 's reign , the Compton ecclesiastical census of 1676 had suggested that Dissenters then formed only 4 per cent of the nation at large , though in some communities Dissent had taken a much stronger hold .
2 Some musicians who should have known better suggested that Elgar 's readings were influenced by 78rpm recording techniques ; others showed points of detail where he ignored markings in his own scores .
3 Although during his visit Miyazawa had suggested that compensation was an issue which should be decided by the courts , his immediate response to the formal compensation demand was that some form of recompense was necessary to demonstrate Japan 's remorse .
4 Kossen ( 1983 ) has suggested that possession of certain characteristics is required for leadership :
5 It is suggested that views diverge on the central question of the rights of parents to custody and control of their children in relation to the right of the state ( acting through courts and social work agencies ) to intervene in the parent-child relationship , to remove children from their parents , to allocate their care and control to other parties , and to determine their subsequent upbringing .
6 During the takeover battle , it was suggested that Cadbury Schweppes should act as a white knight to Rowntree , in order to form a strong British company able to compete effectively with the Swiss .
7 Quinton and Rutter ( 1983 ) have suggested that school experiences may be critical sources of selfesteem for children lacking supportive home lives , and that this in turn enhances their capacity to plan their lives .
8 It was suggested that women move from one factory to other factories at the rate of 50 to 60 a week .
9 But a number of feminists have suggested that women in many cultures and many situations are partly or even totally excluded from this kind of formal discourse .
10 It is sometimes suggested that women 's legal rights are fairly minor and have done little to improve the position of women in society .
11 JG BALLARD ( writer ) : ‘ It 's been suggested that women will be keen to dispense with the penis when they find an imaginary substitute within virtual reality .
12 LDP members who lost their seats included Sadanori Yamanaka , former chairman of the party 's research commission on the tax system and architect of the widely hated consumption tax , and Hisao Horinouchi , the former Minister of Agriculture , Forestry and Fisheries , who , during the July 1989 election campaign , had suggested that women were useless in politics and that Doi was unfit to be Prime Minister because she was unmarried and childless [ see p. 36800 ] .
13 McCreery had suggested that AFHQ should approach Tito to discuss the handing over of the Croats .
14 Congress ( I ) leaders accused the government of vindictiveness and of seeking to install its own supporters as governors , and further maintained that the actions also went against the spirit of the Constitution and against the recommendations of the Sarkaria Committee which had suggested that governors should be persons not too closely or recently involved in party politics and that governors from one political party should not be imposed on a state governed by an opposing party .
15 East Anglian independence survived long enough for coins to be minted for Aethelberht , king of the East Angles , and it has been suggested that Offa 's East Anglian coinage may not have begun much before c .
16 I too have suggested that Christology should embrace a multiplicity .
17 For example , it has been suggested that sons or daughters may resent a situation in which they find themselves forced to be ‘ in charge ’ of a formerly dominant parent .
18 This weakens the phylogenetic potential for these postcranial characters in Dryopithecus , and although it could be suggested that Dryopithecus could belong in either of the two derivative clades ( Ponginae or Homininae ) , additional supporting evidence would be needed before such a claim could be substantiated .
19 Many commentators have suggested that eurobond market intermediaries have at least historically been characterised by a managerial objective of growth maximisation , rather than short run profit maximisation .
20 It has , however , been suggested that clearance of radioopaque markers is a more sensitive test than standard radionuclide scintigraphy for documenting gastric motor dysfunction in diabetics .
21 In discussing these two processes it will be helpful still to bear in mind the distinction between universal and particular concepts , because it will be suggested that anchoring is a universal process , whilst objectification is a particular one .
22 Mr Wijeratne has suggested that civilians in the area — a million of them — should pack their bags and leave .
23 In 1933 it was suggested that Mosley should visit the new German leader , Adolf Hitler , and discuss with him the future of Fascism in Britain .
24 ii An issue of the Adverse Drug Reaction Bulletin on the subject of the effects of nicotine has suggested that nicotine gum could cause many of the health problems associated with cigarettes .
25 Although , in its pure form , the bureaucracy concept can not be applied fully to schools , it has been suggested that bureaucratisation is one of the most significant educational developments of the times .
26 Although it is realised that many of those teaching in London are also associated with outer counties it was suggested that London teachers might consider taking responsibility for this year 's Reunion .
27 IT has been suggested that Hox genes play an important part in the patterning of limbs , vertebrae and craniofacial structures by providing an ordered molecular system of positional values , termed the Hox code .
28 It has been suggested that Britain is being ‘ flooded ’ with refugees .
29 In the 1980s it has been acknowledged that the importance of formal ( tripartite ) arrangements at ‘ peak ’ levels has been reduced — indeed it is now often suggested that Britain was always less ‘ corporatist ’ in these terms than countries such as the Federal Republic of Germany , Austria and Sweden .
30 The Foreign Office has suggested that Britain recommenced supply of engines after the war under pressure from Blohm and Voss .
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