Example sentences of "raised at the " in BNC.

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1 No objection had been raised at the time , he said , and ‘ it is absurd that they should start to quibble a week later and try to reopen the issue ’ .
2 Money is being raised at the moment to provide houses for those who come out first .
3 However , the Ministry of Agriculture reported a similar level of ruthenium in a soil sample taken in 1987 , apparently without any comment being raised at the time .
4 One of the topics being raised at the coming General Synod in a Private Member 's motion is the whole question of our treatment of animals , and I include an article about this .
5 I had reported the results of the committee discussions and , unless an unexpected point was raised at the meeting , the outcome looked set fair .
6 A publicity photograph had shown one of the Doonettes , the electrifying step-dancing duo which performs with the band , caught with skirt raised at the back to reveal considerably less than might be observed on Whitley Bay sands , let alone the Riviera .
7 Content that all was finally settled , Coleridge was unprepared when his West Country plans were threatened by one further difficulty , raised at the last moment by Tom Poole himself .
8 Over £3,000 was raised at the event in 1988 , even though it was a damp and miserable day .
9 The amount raised at the centenary had enabled quite large items to be bought , for example a special bed constructed in such a way that the patient lies in a hammock above the base .
10 Various other objections to the Nestlé takeover of Rowntree were raised at the time .
11 The usual questions were raised at the meeting ;
12 An interesting point is raised at the end of the book , where it estimates that out of 210 Mustangs that survive worldwide , 112 are reported to be airworthy .
13 It 's from both of them , repeated verbatim despite the howls of protest raised at the very idea of it all .
14 Eyebrows are being raised at the fact that the provincial government bought a number of MacMillan Bloedel shares weeks before the announcement of the plan .
15 In practice , however , the BBC knew that as its audience share fell , the case for a compulsory fee would become weaker and that getting the fee raised at the regular three-yearly review would be trickier ( no government was going to win votes by raising the licence fee , even during the years of monopoly ) .
16 This brings us back to some of the points raised at the beginning of this book .
17 Further complications raised at the symposiumover whether Mantegna or Antonio Pollaiuolo takes precedence in these crucial early years of printmaking threatened to take over the proceedings until halted by the discussion 's Chairwoman , Caroline Elam , Editor of the Burlington Magazine .
18 Raised at the hall in Tolleshund D'Arcy , Essex in 1785 .
19 Another issue raised at the workshop was that of creches .
20 Nevertheless it is worth considering whether some implicit model of accountability underlies all forms of evaluation whatever their stated purposes ( an issue that was raised at the very beginning of Chapter 1 ) .
21 Where an officer of government in the exercise of his office obtains payment of moneys as and for a charge which the law enables him to demand and enforce , such moneys may be recovered back from him if it should afterwards turn out that they were not legally payable even though no protest was made or question raised at the time of payment .
22 In my view , a number of the points raised in his petition are matters which could have been raised at the appeal .
23 Ranteallo explained that a stone had been raised at the death of every Toraja king , and indeed queen — though no one remembered their names beyond a few generations .
24 should remain as published in the original documents , and were surprised at the proposed changes raised at the eleventh hour prior to a public enquiry , in September nineteen ninety two .
25 Much of the initial cost of setting up the campaign was covered either by various committee members somehow doing things for free or came from the remainder of the money raised at the Comedy Store .
26 Wayne said nothing for a while , and Pete allowed his attention to wander down the inventory list ; his eyebrows raised at the mention of a waterbed , a hi-fi system and a video hookup in the after stateroom .
27 In some stances the feet are flat on the floor ; in others one or both feet may be raised at the heel .
28 The money was raised at the Wedgwood Group Medieval Day and through raffles , competitions and collections at the factory .
29 Doubts were raised at the time about the possible increase in working hours for headteachers in order to operate this system .
30 I am aware that these proposals only go part way to meeting the objections raised at the meeting .
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