Example sentences of "forced [to-vb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Madame indicated the preferred style from a set of drawings in a folder and Ellie , attached as she was to her mane of dark hair , was forced to agree how chic the chosen style was .
2 If you are forced to retire early through ill health , you may be entitled to more generous relief than would otherwise normally be the case .
3 I agree that nobody should be forced to breathe in other people 's cigarette smoke .
4 The Colchester corporation re-elected him in 1628 , but he was unseated on the protests of the freemen , and forced to fall back on the Sussex borough of Steyning .
5 Certainly there are differences , especially in the better development of marine sediments in the American Pennsylvanian , but these in a way have obscured the resemblances ; for work in America has concentrated on the marine fossils , whereas in Europe we have usually been forced to fall back on the non-marine faunas and floras .
6 For example , a report in the International Herald Tribune of July 17 claimed that the rebels had recently made the most significant gains in the whole of the 11-year civil war and that government forces were being forced to fall back and defend large urban centres .
7 The council has already been forced to fall back on accommodation in the town 's Arts Centre in a bid to keep people off the streets .
8 The council has already been forced to fall back on accommodation in the Arts Centre to keep people off the streets .
9 They were forced to sit so close that each wrinkle of the boredom on the man 's face was apparent .
10 And although he was forced to sit out Sheffield Wednesday 's UEFA Cup tie with Kaiserslauten last night through suspension , Taylor will want him back in the fold .
11 Leeds ' former England defender was forced to sit out the final ten matches of last season 's title charge with an ankle injury that needed surgery .
12 His letters spoke of torture , of being forced to sit alone all day , forbidden to move from his chair .
13 After that implementation was complete the firm was forced to scale down what had grown into a moderately large development organisation , and retreated from view somewhat , concentrating on customising software , testing and consultancy .
14 She was foreced downstairs and into her white mini car and forced to drive here to Kingshill
15 Barry , assistant manager at Perry 's brasserie in Beaumont Street , was forced to drive back to the bar in his own car and ordered to open the safe .
16 But following this change in tax credits on dividends some employer contribution holidays will have to stop , while other less well-padded schemes may be forced to invest more in secure vehicles such as bonds and gilts rather than maintain the heavy weighting towards equities typical of most funds at present .
17 After a great deal of hunting around with flashlights , the plain-clothes policemen were forced to go away empty-handed .
18 Miss Southworth said the woman had made up the story to friends and was then forced to go through with it , after complaints were made to the police .
19 The crimson rope-lights still held him , so that he was forced to go on down the slope until they stood before the terrible dwelling place of the necromancer .
20 But once you 'd lied — even if it were only by implication or simply by failing to deny something — you were forced to go on lying .
21 Fabia blenched , caught out , hating having to tell lies but , having started on a path of misleading her parent , forced to go on .
22 Now at about the time that that letter was written on the twenty second of October er Mr had the meeting at the National Westminster Bank that had been arranged between himself and a Mrs and it is clear from er this meeting that the bank would no longer er , given that the Frinton property was not to be offered as security , prepared to offer the sum , the substantial sums that they had originally agreed to do and they were now only prepared to offer very much smaller sums and the plaintiff 's case is that the only way that they were going to be able to proceed to complete on this matter was er by selling their homes , their family home at and it is the plaintiff 's case , certainly in relation to er the losses that they have sustained as a result of the breach of contract , alleged in this case , that er if they had not been forced to go ahead to complete on this deal they would not have been required to sell their family home .
23 They wanted the horses most , we saw but three they already had with them , the rest forced to go afoot , and the wagon was welcome , too , they had one , I think , already wounded .
24 If Hugh and Prior Robert had not been well mounted , and the elderly but resolute former steward of Ramsey forced to go afoot , they could not have arrived at the cathedral priory of Worcester within a day of each other .
25 We were then forced to go home until a week later .
26 She is forced to go faster than she would choose by the intimidating bulk of lorries nudging up behind her , their radiator grilles looming like cliffs in her rear-view mirror , the drivers high above , out of sight .
27 The TUC edict was followed on 5 July by action against the Cricklewood sorters — they were laid off by the Post Office management and threatened with the withdrawal of strike pay by the Union of Post Office Workers and as a result were forced to go back to handling Grunwick mail .
28 In 1682 , he was forced to go back to Ireland and to stay there for 3 years .
29 He clearly was n't happy when forced to go back out to bat and complete the 10 overs , losing his wicket twice having a slog and losing the match .
30 The wife used to wait for somebody coming in the shop to buy something and then she 'd go out and get a a bit of meat and we 'd have a dinner , and er we had seven months of that before I was eventually more or less forced to go back .
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