Example sentences of "forced [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Un pezzo di cielo caduto in terra ’ — a little piece of heaven fallen on earth — is how the Neapolitans describe it — perhaps they are biased but , having sampled its delights , we think you 'll be forced to agree with every word .
2 Nevertheless , she had been forced to agree with Geoffrey , her vicar , when , after a local deanery chapter meeting , he 'd said that a stranger might be forgiven for supposing that the Church of England in south London was staffed by middle-aged ex-lorry drivers , recruited via the Southwark Ordination Course , plus a sprinkling of very young men who had found their accountancy examinations too arduous .
3 Once you have accepted the offer and the position has been suitably documented , you will hardly ever be able to persuade a court or tribunal to upset it unless you can convince them that you were forced to agree as a result of economic duress .
4 As it is not possible to anticipate in advance all the infinitely variable circumstances which may arise in the future , we feel ourselves , albeit reluctantly , forced to agree to a limited extent with that concession .
5 As it is not possible to anticipate in advance all the infinitely variable circumstances which may arise in the future , we feel ourselves , albeit reluctantly , forced to agree to a limited extent with that concession .
6 She continued angrily , ‘ I was forced to agree to this marriage just as much as you were .
7 Nevertheless , Congress was forced to agree to a constitutional referendum in April which threatened to curtail its powers .
8 To keep the GPRA at the table , de Gaulle was forced to agree to a series of major concessions on points that he had long proclaimed non- negotiable : to negotiate solely with the FLN ; to drop the demand for a cease-fire before negotiations could get under way ; and to give up the Sahara to the embryonic Algerian republic .
9 Passers-by sneak Beejay sympathetic smiles as he is forced to contend with this additional assault on his ears .
10 In the aftermath of the Cuban revolution , the Communists , forced to contend with Castroite , Maoist and Trotskyist dissenters , all of whom advocated armed struggle , were at times uncertain how to respond to the rise of guerrilla activity in their own countries .
11 Sadly , the forty-five-year-old 's rotund physique proved too much and he was forced to retire for an early bath .
12 McKenzie , the former IBF flyweight champion and ex-WBO bantamweight king , earned something of a hollow victory last night when Birmingham 's Peter Buckley was forced to retire with an injured shoulder at the end of the third round .
13 The Dungannon scrum-half Blair was forced to retire with a leg injury and Gallagher came in from the wing to deputise in his regular position .
14 Hamilton , 26 , forced to retire with a knee injury , will have a match next season after Tony Mowbray 's benefit against Celtic .
15 Some women who started work after their children had grown up felt the need to continue working in order to obtain a reasonable pension on retirement , yet they were forced to retire at 60 , because that is the age when they become entitled to a state and/or occupational pension .
16 She as forced to retire through neck and back injuries in 1983 at the age of just 21 .
17 DEFENDER Terry Butcher swallowed up Luton 's attack — then confessed he could be forced to retire in the next few weeks .
18 Even though his period in Calcutta was extremely brief , for he was forced to retire in 1906 after a breakdown , he became celebrated in the West and in India for ‘ preaching ’ the greatness of Indian art with fervour that bordered on fanaticism .
19 A KGB operative and counterintelligence officer for 32 years , Kalugin had been forced to retire in March , apparently because he had complained to the CPSU central committee and in letters to Gorbachev about the need for fundamental reforms of the KGB .
20 Sadly , the 1954 season saw Richards forced to retire from the saddle by injury ; so the 1953 Derby was his last ride in the race as well as his first victory in it .
21 Jimmy continued with the Palace after the War , but he was hurt in a London Challenge Cup-tie and was forced to retire from the game shortly afterwards .
22 A 57-year-old man , who had been forced to retire from work because of chronic ill health , was admitted to hospital having made severe lacerations of his neck with a knife .
23 It was why he had been forced to retire from Delta .
24 Early in 1991 , six women pensioners won a long-running case for compensation against their employer after being forced to retire from their jobs at 60 .
25 A third revolt by Duzme Mustafa in 829/1425–6 led to the replacement of Ibrahim Pasa as Grand Vezir by Molla Fenari 's enemy , Haci Ivaz Pasa , as a result of which Molla Fenari and his elder son , Mehmed Sah , were forced to retire from public life .
26 He was forced to retire from the race with a split oil tank while in the lead .
27 Anderson has been forced to retire from the game through injury after ten years ' loyal service at St.James 's Park .
28 JOHN Anderson , forced to retire from a full-time playing career because of an ankle injury , has been appointed player-manager of Berwick Rangers .
29 Said Mr Marshall : ‘ Having been forced to retire from business I nevertheless retained my unbounded enthusiasm for work and community service .
30 Said Mr Marshall : ‘ Having been forced to retire from business I nevertheless retained my unbounded enthusiasm for work and community service .
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