Example sentences of "feelings of being " in BNC.

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1 Throughout any individual 's life , relationships and feelings of being attached to a number of significant people are important for our good emotional health .
2 Although Helen is aware that her feelings of being to blame are irrational and unjustified , sadly , they are not easy to rid herself of .
3 General feelings of being under the weather and slight depression can all combine to make sex seem uninteresting or just a necessary chore !
4 But when the inner world is frightened of commitment for one reason or another , the external legal authority seems to accentuate that fear , raising feelings of being trapped .
5 A middle-aged man recalled his feelings of being ‘ the only 12-year-old queer in Great Britain ’ and a girl confided a desire to snog her best friend .
6 Feelings of being a martyr to the vacuum cleaner , or of struggling to live up to impossible standards of cleanliness , can take the pleasure out of time spent in the home .
7 These feelings of being out of control can lead to inappropriate behaviour — maybe submissive behaviour .
8 You could not properly take account of my experience of separatism without acknowledging my feelings of being swept away by this sort of fervour .
9 If my withdrawal from separatism had in part to do with feeling unhappy with a surfeit of hatred , which is mentally and spiritually very depleting , it had also to do with how you go about communicating feelings of being cleansed and enlightened .
10 For example , I can say that Jones is behaving just like Smith did , and we now know that Smith behaved as he did because he had feelings of being persecuted , so it is possible that Jones has feelings of being persecuted , too .
11 For example , I can say that Jones is behaving just like Smith did , and we now know that Smith behaved as he did because he had feelings of being persecuted , so it is possible that Jones has feelings of being persecuted , too .
12 Before attempting to set out an approach to disruptive pupils , I believe it is important to preface the debate with a general comment on education — first , because the nature of the topic can generate emotions that lead to a distortion of the author 's overall perspective , and second , while I am critical of many educational responses to disruptive pupils I do not wish to add to teachers ' feelings of being under siege .
13 Feelings of being suffocated
14 Look out for the early warning signals of over-breathing like feelings of tightness in the chest , or feelings of being stifled — difficulty getting your breath .
15 Preparation courses need to be established specifically for adopters , covering childcare and issues on adoptive parenthood such as how to tell children they are adopted and coping with feelings of being ‘ different ’ to biological parents .
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