Example sentences of "neither they [conj] " in BNC.

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1 These people , the pubescent schoolkid , the 45-year-old English professor , the dim college girl , we have met before , and we might be pleased to see them again , but neither they nor their predicaments quite justify so uncritical a veneration .
2 Neither they nor the local relief committees were given any remit whatsoever with regard to how food should be dispensed or who was eligible to receive it .
3 The filthy colonial military compounds so recently evacuated by the British and French provided convenient quarters for those who were now destined to spend most of their lives in exile , even though neither they nor their unwilling Lebanese hosts yet knew that they would have to do so .
4 Neither they nor the sack were there .
5 In May 1940 , the RCM general secretary wrote to the Chief Rabbi , pointing out ‘ that our Regional Committees are autonomous and neither they nor the committees under them like interference in the arrangements they make for religious instruction ’ .
6 The first poets played their part in the making of bread : today 's writers grow a different kind of food but still provide a nourishment neither they nor their readers can do without .
7 Although the Germans sought with some short-term success to turn Nationalist Spain into an economic dependency , neither they nor the Italians interfered significantly in the internal politics of Nationalist Spain .
8 The Far Eastern bank interviewed took an entirely different line ; they always worked with the large international firms , claiming that neither they nor candidates had any confidence in the smaller firms .
9 Neither they nor finance-ministry officials want to see a repeat of that scary event .
10 Yet in reality neither they nor the manufacturers took the limits seriously , and Central Authority engineers deliberately ignored the agreed commissioning limits .
11 In 1977 , 22 per cent of female part-time employees were earning less than £15 a week , which at the time defined the boundary of non-employed for social insurance purposes ( that is , neither they nor their employers have to pay national insurance contributions ) .
12 The pro-English party must have realised , however , that neither they nor their masters in London were in a position to hold out for long .
13 But neither they nor an unreformed Exchequer could handle the large new sources of income brought into being by Henry VIII 's breach with Rome : the first fruits of bishoprics , the tenths of all ecclesiastical benefices , the revenue from the renting and sale of monastic lands .
14 If and when they work on the tacit assumption or make such a blatant assertion as that , that there is no longer any poverty , because it is not true and unless and until it is true neither they nor we have got any right to be content .
15 Only a few of her friends had been active in the Resistance , but it was clear that neither they nor anyone else much wanted to talk about the choices they had all had to make .
16 Whilst service industries are parasitical in nature , neither they nor the prime industries could function efficiently without the other .
17 Neither they nor the other kids take any notice of this polyphony .
18 Both Mrs Wilson and her husband are teachers at a Christian pimary school , but neither they nor police believe it 's a personal attack , or vendetta .
19 ‘ Clubs are being hurried into installing unsuitable and often dangerous seats when neither they nor their fans want them .
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