Example sentences of "claimed [that] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 In the first edition of a new series of the monthly journal , The Seaman , the union claimed that over 150,000 seamen of all nationalities had , during the previous twelve months , voted unanimously for international action " on the same day and at the same hour , until their unions receive proper recognition , establish the right of collective bargaining and uniform rates of wages and conditions of labour on all ships " .
2 A report on Amnesty International 's first investigation into political detentions in Saudi Arabia , published on Jan. 11 , claimed that over 700 political opponents of the regime — principally members of Shia opposition groupings — had been held without trial since 1983 , including some 100 in 1989 alone .
3 However , following allegations in the Congress by the Movement towards Socialism ( Movimiento al Socialismo — MAS ) of indiscriminate gunfire by the police and the Army in the slums , and of the execution of 19 people and other reports alleging that torture had been used in detention and that people had gone missing , a parliamentary commission claimed that over 600 were killed in Caracas alone and that 7,000 people were in detention ( compared with the official figure of 1,000 ) .
4 A SAIRI statement from Beirut on March 9 claimed that over 30,000 people had died during the uprising and that fighting was still raging throughout the south .
5 A report published in London on the same day by the human rights organization Amnesty International claimed that over 200 people arrested in late 1990 had died or been executed in military or police custody .
6 In a highly critical report on the Punjab released on May 10 the international human rights organization Amnesty International claimed that over 10,000 Sikhs were being detained in the state without trial [ see p. 38151 for April announcement of release from detention of Sikh youths detained for minor offences ] .
7 Unions claimed that over 90,000 registered disabled people would be affected by the plan to limit disability benefit , after an initial six years on a salary-related scale , to 70 per cent of the national minimum wage .
8 On Oct. 2 the NDA claimed that over 70 people had been arrested in connection with the events of August .
9 A report on Radio Bangladesh on Jan. 18 claimed that over 60,000 Rohingya refugees had entered Bangladesh to escape what was considered by observers to be an exceptionally brutal assault on a largely defenceless civilian population .
10 Kvallposten claimed that immediately after the search Mr Talb 's ex-wife telephoned a Palestinian family in Uppsala and ordered them to ‘ get rid of the clothing ’ .
11 Robbe-Grillet 's insistence upon the essentially ludic dimension of all of his fiction ( and cinema ) was also a means of escaping what might be termed the prison-house of reflexivity ; it was not uncommon to find him distancing himself from Ricardou , even during the conference devoted to his work in 1975 , at which he claimed that even his supposedly ‘ theoretical ’ utterances over the years should be construed as attempts to maintain plurality and mobility .
12 By Jan. 29 the allies claimed that nearly 100 Iraqi planes were in Iran .
13 Warnock claimed that both Andy Reece and Geoff Twentyman should have been sent off .
14 While admitting that forested areas were becoming smaller as a result of " rapid development " , it claimed that both Indonesia and Malaysia had taken steps " to sustain forest resources " .
15 At the annual congress of the CGIL in Rimini on Oct. 22-26 the federation 's reformist secretary-general Bruno Trentin , fighting off challenges both from a current linked to the Socialist Party ( PSI ) and from the old-style communists , claimed that rather than " making demands for the working class " the CGIL would now be " the union of solidarity and of the rights of pensioners , the disabled , immigrants , women and the marginalized " .
16 John Major claimed that neither the British public nor the international community would support the move .
17 The releases , however , failed to win the support of anti-apartheid groups which claimed that almost all those released were criminals and that the government " was putting up a smokescreen " to avoid releasing political offenders .
18 The report claimed that almost 400 Lao civilians had crossed into the Thai province of Loei to escape the fighting .
19 The man who said he saw the ‘ green shoots ’ of recovery nearly two years ago claimed that under Tory rule the country had done better than many of its competitors .
20 The Cologne-based Association of the Victims of Stalinism claimed that around 21,000 internees had died after 1945 in Oranienburg-Sachsenhausen and that 90,000 people had died in camps set up by Soviet occupying forces in eastern Germany after 1945 .
21 Reports of decisive military gains by Iraqi government forces were confirmed on April 1 by the leader of the Democratic Party of Kurdistan ( DPK ) , Masoud Barzani , who claimed that around 3,000,000 Kurds had fled into the mountains as part of a " tactical withdrawal " to escape the government 's programme of " genocide and torture against our people " .
22 The Chernobyl Help organization , chaired by chess master Anatoly Karpov , claimed that around 1,000 of the " liquidators " had died , 70 per cent of them under the age of 40 , and that another 5,000 had contracted illnesses related to the accident .
23 Moscovitch claimed that together with his other findings this showed that the right hemisphere had little or no " linguistic abilities
24 It claimed that very few of those who had died in the violence had been killed by traditional weapons , that 75 per cent of deaths were caused by bullets and 20 per cent by hacking with weapons which could not be described as traditional .
25 The president claimed that only defensive weapons had been supplied to Iran and that it had all been legal .
26 At this dinner Faulkner claimed that only one in ten of Derry 's unemployed had any previous industrial experience ; the DUAC carried out a survey at the Bishop Street Labour Exchange which , they claimed , showed that 50 per cent of those interviewed did have such experience .
27 A Turkish Army spokesman claimed that only villages ‘ harbouring known members of the PKK ’ ( Kurdish Workers ' Party ) had been hit .
28 In 1745 the municipality of Seville , one of the largest cities in Spain , claimed that only 201 of its inhabitants were liable for military service , all the others being covered by exemptions of some kind .
29 The Commission claimed that only the top 4 per cent of EC cereal producers would lose income ( although this minority produced around 50 per cent of EC output ) , that consumers would benefit from lower prices , the environment would be better protected and global markets would not be distorted by EC surpluses .
30 The PKK claimed that only one person had been killed .
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