Example sentences of "widely [vb pp] [that] " in BNC.

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1 Following the decision to commit US ground-based forces , estimates as to the numbers which might ultimately be deployed rose quickly and , on Aug. 10 , it was widely leaked that the administration had adopted a " contingency plan " involving the use of 250,000 ground troops should full-scale fighting break out with Iraq .
2 The finding of anaemia at presentation in almost half our patients is worth noting as it is still widely taught that this is an indicator of chronic rather than acute renal failure .
3 It is not widely realised that Germans of all political complexions have identified the fate of their country with that of Europe .
4 It is now widely realised that a comprehensive education for a mentally handicapped child should continue over a longer time than the normal educational period of 5–16 years .
5 It does not seem to be widely realised that words have shape and colour and rhythm as well as meaning .
6 In fact it is now widely recognized that some consumption expenditure of this type , in so far as it combats malnutrition , should be considered as equivalent to investment .
7 It is widely recognized that the proportion of women who suffer mental disorders — particularly depression — exceeds that of men ( Cochrane , 1983 ) .
8 While it has been widely recognized that both plural and singular references are possible under many circumstances ( Eschenbach , Habel , Herweg & Rehkämper 1989 ; Garrod & Sanford 1982 ) , the present results reveal just how prevalent singulars can be , even given a grammatical grouping cue like and .
9 It is now widely recognized that all such attempts have failed , yet it continues to be assumed that the rational agent has somehow pulled himself up by his bootstraps out of reach of his own spontaneity .
10 Nevertheless , it is widely recognized that exchange rate adjustments within the EMS will only become less frequent if the economic performance and the economic policies of member countries are converging and consistent .
11 The need for war , then , was fairly generally accepted , although it was widely recognized that it brought destruction and death .
12 However , much of this work is heavily weighted towards the study of individual words , even though it is widely recognized that most vocabulary growth comes from encountering words in the course of reading .
13 Workplace stress is on the increase , and ironically it 's now being widely recognized that companies own efforts to cut staff and become leaner and fitter , must take part of the blame .
14 But it is widely expected that further heads will have to roll if the discredited Communist Party is to retrieve the situation .
15 There was guarded optimism that all Cambodian factions ( the three NGC elements and the State of Cambodia ( SOC ) regime based in Phnom Penh ) would accept the UN framework , as it was widely expected that the five states would put pressure on the respective factions they supported .
16 It was widely expected that the formal ban on direct trade with the Soviet Union would be lifted in 1990 leaving only mainland China , Albania , Cuba and North Korea on the prohibited list .
17 It had been widely expected that President Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali , whose distaste for capital punishment for politically motivated crimes had been well publicized , would commute the death sentences .
18 In February 1991 he had moved from Palermo to Rome in order to become director-general of penal affairs in the Justice Ministry , and it had been widely expected that he might head a new judicial body which was to be created as part of a fresh anti-Mafia drive .
19 Chairman , if I could just er , erm , some words that are n't included in this pa paper , I understand that the Deregulation Bill is published on the eighteenth erm , and presented to Parliament for the first reading , erm , it 's still far from clear what 's going to be said in it , but erm , it 's still widely expected that in fact , on major contentious issues will in fact be the suggestion that sections of Acts of Parliament will , could be revealed by ministerial order rather than go through the parliamentary process again .
20 There 's been plenty of speculation about what will be cut and what will be taxed , but it 's widely expected that there 'll be a big increase in the scope of VAT .
21 It is widely expected that bondholders will then be asked to convert some of their holdings into a new convertible preference share .
22 But in yesterday 's papers it was widely claimed that friends of the Prince of Wales are behind a campaign of vilification .
23 It is widely claimed that English speech tends towards a regular alternation between stronger and weaker , and tends to adjust stress levels to bring this about .
24 It was widely reported that armed police had besieged the state-owned Jerada colliery , which had been occupied for 10 days in late December 1988-early January 1989 by 400 miners .
25 It was widely reported that at least five people had died during food riots in Tehran on Nov. 2 , 1989 .
26 Although Bush ( hiimself director of the CIA in 1975-76 ) characterized Webster 's tenure as CIA chief as " superb " , it was widely reported that there was considerable dissatisfaction within the US administration , notably over the allegedly poor quality of the agency 's intelligence gathering associated with both the 1991 war against Iraq and the 1989 invasion of Panama .
27 It was widely reported that the UK Ministry of Defence had reserved the right to dispose of its decommissioned nuclear submarines at sea , although the UK finally voted for the proposal .
28 It was widely reported that the Republican party placed considerable pressure upon Thornburgh to contest the Senate vacancy — his Pennsylvanian background was seen as a considerable advantage — which was seen as crucial to the party 's hopes of recapturing control of the upper chamber in 1992 .
29 In recent months it had been widely reported that Saw Maung , who had chaired the SLORC since the army assumed power in 1998 , had suffered a mental breakdown .
30 It was widely reported that the UK had unsuccessfully argued at the committee meeting for a total suspension of the ERM and also that requests had been made for Germany to reduce its interest rates .
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