Example sentences of "partly [verb] from " in BNC.

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1 To one side , a kitchen had been improvised , and was partly shielded from the rest of the room with an embroidered curtain , perhaps as a gesture towards the more gentlemanly side of Victor 's life .
2 The light was on and Phoebe was sitting on the bed with Maggie 's arms wrapped convulsively around her , her scarlet and sparkling body thus partly hidden from her grandmother .
3 In theory , during this period their potential to adapt technology to source inputs locally ( as had occurred in Biafra during the civil war ) , rather than to import them might have given them a competitive edge over the large manufacturing companies managed and partly owned from overseas .
4 Table 4.12 lists them by rather general categories , partly adopted from the Pilkington Committee .
5 They are pinkish grey , and the small worms may be seen partly protruding from their surfaces .
6 Not only the statesmen of the age but also public opinion , partly sheltered from the realities of war by the employment of mainly professional armies , were untouched by the enthusiasm for peace which usually prompted such schemes and indifferent to the dreams which they embodied .
7 Resumption of publication was reportedly due partly to aid from the Russian government as part of emergency funds given to the press .
8 As a result , the state of illiquidity is partly shifted from the enterprises to the banks .
9 Discs has also sponsored a women 's football team by supplying them with a kit partly drawn from Billy Bragg 's Red Star Belgrade promotional shirts .
10 There are marked fluctuations in the monthly totals for any one winter , which must partly stem from the species ' habit of frequently feeding outside the estuaries during the day , so that birds are missed by the counts .
11 It is obvious that the government does n't know how to respond to the messes it has partly created and partly suffers from .
12 Partly exempt from these criticisms are Natural Rate Models which have drawn attention to the limitations of existing models , both by emphasising the constraints imposed by production inputs and by emphasising the crucial role of expectations .
13 Indeed TQM partly evolved from the realisation that improvements can only be achieved if professional and departmental barriers are broken down , people stop blaming each other for defects and constructively work together to solve them .
14 Title-page of Rychard Taverner 's edition of the Bible , 1539 , partly adapted from Matthew 's version and partly translated by himself .
15 The ideas behind it are partly derived from Hartley 's chapter on The Pleasures and Pains of the Imagination , which explained that — ‘ the grandeur of some [ natural ] scenes , and the novelty of others , by exciting surprise and wonder [ makes ] a great difference in the preceding and subsequent states of mind ’ ; he also contrasted ‘ the offensiveness , dangers , and corruption of populous cities , and the health , tranquillity and innocence which the actual view , or mental contemplation , of rural scenes introduces ’ .
16 US jungle troops used to spend a week eating local food before starting active combat , to ensure their body odour — partly derived from Western foods — did not give away their location to the enemy .
17 The ambiguity in Soviet interpretations of the 1931 treaty partly derived from Article 6 which permitted both parties full freedom of action to establish any relations and alliances with third parties provided that such links do not contradict the other provisions of the treaty .
18 This theory is partly derived from Max Weber 's attempts to relate the rise of capitalism ( the epitome of modern society ) with the Protestant ethic and to show how other different belief systems ( like the religions of the Orient ) inhibited the rise of modern society .
19 Plummer argued that D was partly derived from a predecessor of the St Augustine 's chronicle , and that this was itself descended from an Abingdon manuscript which also lies behind C. He thus explained the presence in E of various entries on abbots of Abingdon which are also in C. Possibly an Abingdon version of the Chronicle was taken to Canterbury in 1044 when its abbot , Siward , replaced Archbishop Eadsige , who had resigned because of ill-health , or was subsequently sent there at Siward 's request .
20 However , from our present perspective it is actually more pertinent to turn the question round the other way and ask : why is it that some people , despite having a strong genetic disposition for psychotic illness do not actually break down — or , even if they do , are partly protected from its more devastating effects ?
21 It is partly cut from the mountain and almost seems to melt into the rock .
22 Ore was also brought out of Middle Level , along a gantry , and tipped into a chute feeding a hopper , partly cut from the rock , and partly of timber .
23 ‘ What did they say ? ’ asked Frick , now partly deflected from the irritation he felt .
24 Jarvis 's Frayn was partly taken from an original BBC Radio 4 series .
25 Some of these images may be partly taken from life , not just from stereotyped Carolingian ruler images .
26 In both cases the success of the university sub-disciplinary segments can be seen as having partly resulted from their having found allies outside of their own organizations .
27 It is worth noting that many of the recent habitat changes caused by agriculture in Sussex , and elsewhere , partly result from the reversal of a long decline in farming prosperity between 1875 and 1940 .
28 These partly result from their objective position — their concern with wealth and its management — but also from a sustained upper-class culture .
29 Partly arising from this , and partly because of the lack of difference found between many predator species , the crude measure of skeletal element proportions is not diagnostic , although it can still provide an approximation of the overall structure of the bone assemblage .
30 Priority was in this way accorded to the least prosperous regions and countries of the Community , partly arising from an expectation that these areas might otherwise be expected to benefit least from the SEM .
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