Example sentences of "commitment [prep] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 On the other hand the cultural expectations which continue to be endorsed in Britain do embody — for some groups at least — a stronger commitment between siblings than is common in white British culture .
2 For instance a rite of lifelong commitment for adults or of young people on the verge of adult life who have been confirmed at an earlier age .
3 do you see it as a commitment for councillors as opposed to necessary just for officers .
4 France significantly increases its commitment of forces .
5 The commitment of teachers is the most valuable resource that a school can have .
6 Hence national levels of support for what is essentially a late-secondary or post-secondary programme , the local organization which supports it and the commitment of teachers who contribute to it at more than one level — all these matter .
7 Here , whatever else is obscure , the need for a much greater commitment of resources is indisputable : without , for example , a massive renewal and expansion of physical provision , men and methods will not avail , though men are the essence of the service and methods cry out for more and more exploration .
8 Over 2,000 programmes were referred to by our sample , ranging from specific short courses to six or twelve month programmes , which altogether represents a quite considerable commitment of resources to training on the part of public librarianship as a whole .
9 Individuals need to be persuaded that a concerted approach and a specific commitment of resources are required .
10 English may be predominant in training and use — but other languages , notably French and German in Holland or French and Spanish in Germany , receives sizeable commitment of resources — on average half that of English .
11 Nevertheless naval power on a large scale meant a very heavy commitment of resources : the temptation to economize on the navy in times of financial stringency was correspondingly strong .
12 This level of provision represents a very substantial commitment of resources to the enterprise bodies and it should be sufficient to enable them to carry through the wide range of tasks expected of them and to build on their excellent first year of operation .
13 This means of course a commitment of resources and money .
14 The discussion here will be confined to self-interested goals ; consideration of ‘ socially responsible ’ motives will be deferred until Chapter 9 , which will conclude that sacrificing profits for socially responsible ends does not occur on a scale sufficient to raise serious doubts about the commitment of managers to profitability ( or whatever other , self-interested goals may predominate ) .
15 The Japanese position initially highlighted the weak commitment of countries such as the US and Britain to commit itself to any targets .
16 The first move in any programme is to gain the commitment of employers — without this no scheme will work .
17 Their success in these matters has been matched by record increases in the commitment of employers to training .
18 Many of those organisations which were dependent in their early days on the passion and commitment of lesbians and gay men are now run by heterosexual ‘ professionals ’ .
19 Teacher trainers have also been greatly encouraged by the obvious interest and commitment of students to children with special needs ; optional and elective courses on this subject have always been over-subscribed .
20 The Philippine Youth Health Programme works in medical and nursing schools to organize ‘ exposure ’ programmes and tap the commitment of students for services in poor communities .
21 She declared herself to be " conscious of the differences in national parliamentary traditions across the Community " but said that " differences of style and opinion are insignificant against the background of the proven commitment of Europeans today to reconciliation and democracy " .
22 Research has underlined the benefits of both participation and consultation in gaining the commitment of others to important decisions or organizational change .
23 The process of deciding where you are taking your business is the opportunity to get the involvement and commitment of others , which actually forms the motive power that at the end of the day will make it happen .
24 The managers who initiated this approach became ‘ guardians of the concept ’ of high performance , and their efforts in this respect were critical to the sustained enthusiasm and commitment of others .
25 Major religious traditions consist of a relatively fixed and formal component — the texts , doctrines and rites — and the more mutable participation and commitment of groups of people .
26 THERE is no doubting the bravery and commitment of police constable Leslie Harrison .
27 As a mechanism for weakening the slave trade , British colonial slavery and American slavery , the abstention from slave-grown produce was marginal in giving reality to abolitionist arguments about the ‘ impolicy ’ of the trade and in no way qualified , despite the evidence it provided , the later reflexive ideological commitment of abolitionists to the superior efficiency of free labour .
28 There are extraordinary disparities between one area of the country and another in the commitment of funds to mental health services from local authorities and health authorities .
29 LGCM urged support for an amendment moved by Malcolm Johnson ( the rector of St Botolph 's ) , which deleted almost all of Higton 's wording and instead affirmed ‘ the essential of the biblical message that human love is a reflection of divine love and should be characterised by the permanency and commitment of relationships . ’
30 the investment , the competence and commitment of employees , and the use made of skills learned should be reviewed at all levels against business goals and targets .
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