Example sentences of "absolutely [adj] [that] " in BNC.

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1 He was not absolutely definite that this group would have to be UI .
2 ‘ I think it 's absolutely terrific that the ICA is becoming more international and reflecting all the changes in Eastern Europe , ’ he says .
3 He is absolutely right that putting clenbuterol into animals for slaughter is bad for the reputation of people in general , bad for the reputation of the Republic of Ireland and particularly bad for the reputation of Northern Ireland .
4 If a car is unlawfully taken and then returned in a damaged state , it seems absolutely right that the person or persons responsible for taking it should be assumed to be responsible for causing the damage unless they can prove the contrary .
5 I accept completely what the honourable member for erm Truro Truro actually said in his speech just er that he just made , absolutely right that the cultural and the geographical identity of people matters so far as the European parliament is concerned and in respect of our responsibility , the responsibility of this house to citizens of Gibraltar .
6 Y y you 're absolutely right that there is some doubt about this was really whether the countryside was like this .
7 ‘ The Community as a whole should make it absolutely clear that it would warmly welcome East Germany joining West Germany on the basis that it was not admitting a new member state to the Community , but simply recognising the extension of the territory of an existing member ’ , he stated .
8 Mr Heseltine added : ‘ John Major has made it absolutely clear that , in the present circumstances , the right thing to do will be to put the Conservative programme in a Queen 's Speech . ’
9 Then her mother would graciously conduct half an hour of polite conversation with all these people , who Jo knew were otherwise pretty cool and mostly also pretty sane , and they would all pretend to be interested in whatever dumb thing she said , and laugh if she made any of her awful little jokes and store away any personal information she disclosed so that they could tell it to their friends the next day and make it absolutely clear that they were on intimate terms with a really big star .
10 The Church Commissioners , however , had always been reluctant to vest urban churches in the Redundant Churches Fund and made it absolutely clear that they considered All Souls would impose an impossible burden on the resources of the Fund .
11 This point concerns slaughter , which has been mentioned already ; however , I would just mention that as far as religious slaughter is concerned , recent research makes it absolutely clear that animals which are killed by cutting their throats can go for between 15 and 120 seconds able to detect what is going on around them .
12 Our amendments make it absolutely clear that it is only the deliberate promotion of homosexuality by local authorities that would be affected .
13 A spokesman for The Sun later confirmed : ‘ We wish to make it absolutely clear that the tape of the Queen 's message was obtained through a BBC employee . ’
14 The terms of this description make it absolutely clear that Polygnotos did not adhere to the single ground-line but placed his figures up and down the field with some rudimentary indication of setting ; and a few Athenian vases which must have been painted around the sixties show the same thing .
15 I should make it absolutely clear that since deregulation there has been a very considerable increase in mileage served by buses both north and south of the border .
16 However , the act makes it absolutely clear that the Charity Trustees remain ultimately responsible .
17 Until this legacy is tackled we believe MPG6 should make it absolutely clear that no new permissions should be granted , for to do so merely puts off the evil day when the problem of old permissions has to be confronted .
18 Until this legacy is tackled we believe MPG6 should make it absolutely clear that no new permissions should be granted , for to do so merely puts off the evil day when the problem of old permissions has to be confronted .
19 This makes it absolutely clear that the early road and the drains belong in a mid to late second-century context .
20 Whereas Luke 's made it absolutely clear that he 's not interested in anything permanent . ’
21 We have made it absolutely clear that , in our view , that body will play an important part in our future defence position .
22 I want to make it absolutely clear that general practitioners voluntarily choose to run fund-holding practices and are not forced by the Government to do so — and GPs will take that step only if they can see benefits for their patients .
23 I should make it absolutely clear that from 1 January 1993 we shall continue to maintain our frontier controls , particularly on matters of international crime , drugs and immigration .
24 The answer to his first point is that it is absolutely clear that a number of people who break their bail conditions are remanded in custody when they are brought back to the court ; but that happens in only about six out of 10 cases , and in four out of 10 cases when those who break their bail conditions are brought back to the court , it seems that they are no longer remanded in custody but are again let out on bail .
25 It is absolutely clear that the Leader of the House has either no authority or insufficient courage to say whether that promise was categorical or whether it was what the country believes it to have been — evidence of a Prime Minister panicked into making a promise that he has no intention of keeping .
26 We have also made it absolutely clear that we will ensure that our deterrent is effective and absolutely credible , and that it puts real fear into any potential aggressor about the damage that he could suffer if he were to attack this country .
27 That is our position and we have made it absolutely clear that we will do that within the terms of operating a minimum deterrent , which is obviously the sensible way to go .
28 The hon. Gentleman seems to be totally ignorant of and unable to adjust to President Yeltsin 's announcement in which he made it absolutely clear that our determination to maintain a minimum deterrent is no obstruction to the determination that he and President Bush have to reduce the nuclear arsenals of the super-powers .
29 I made it absolutely clear that , when we know precisely what happened in that case and can draw the lessons from it , we shall be willing to learn them and take note of the need for future action , if that is shown to be necessary .
30 He did not mention , however , that his answer on the same occasion made it absolutely clear that the proposed regimental cuts would proceed irrespective of the findings of the Defence Select Committee report .
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