Example sentences of "whilst [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It is human nature to advocate change in someone else 's affairs whilst vigorously opposing its necessity in one 's own .
2 Maneka Gandhi , India 's former Environment Minister , accused the G7 countries of " keeping the Third World on the debt/poverty hook , whilst vastly over-consuming and polluting themselves " .
3 Tizard ( 1977 ) , whilst rightly arguing that new families need to be totally in control of the way they bring up their adopted children , is also prepared to concede that ‘ just as there are some couples willing to adopt handicapped children , others , especially if given the support of other adoptive parents , may be willing to adopt children who retain links with their natural families ’ .
4 They had the moral flexibility to meet shifting organizational demands and still enjoy the sleep of the just — their ability to relativize other moral imperatives whilst constantly prioritizing the pursuit of organizational goals did not make them necessarily immoral , but it did facilitate a moral flexibility others denied themselves .
5 Two of the Bernard brothers first saw her seated at a bar drinking , whilst apparently listening to her male companion who was talking to her , quietly and seriously and in an unobtrusive manner .
6 Any change in position could be attributed to external factors , and so a defence of one 's own consistency could be mounted , whilst apparently changing sides from loyalism to republicanism .
7 Whilst much had changed , particularly since John Shaw 's retirement , the visit clearly brought back poignant memories of how it had all begun .
8 For if a limited partner does become involved in ordinary management business , he becomes liable for those debts and obligations incurred by the firm whilst so acting as if he were a general partner .
9 Some people find it easiest to put the seeds in the palm of their cupped hand whilst gently tapping with the other hand so that the seeds are rolled slowly down the groove formed on the palm .
10 Gillian ( 4.6 ) was one of three children playing in the large paddling pool in the garden , when she commented ( whilst gently stirring the water with her feet ) , ‘ Oh , the water 's heavier than my feet . ’
11 The asthmatically mechanical racket from the JAP up front , even whilst just taxying , is quite unbelievable .
12 The King 's Buildings is also the base of the Edinburgh University Computing Service which provides the University community with very powerful computing services , whilst separately offering computing services for the universities of central Scotland on a network basis .
13 As with the resistance movements of occupied Europe during the Second World War , many hajduks outwardly collaborated with the occupying administration , whilst clandestinely supporting the resistance .
14 Whilst fucking have a look from time to time to make sure it 's still in one piece .
15 Thus , whilst not discounting the possibility of a long-standing personality trait , the appeal for imaginative empathy with which this chapter began is also its ending .
16 More recent evidence , whilst not addressing this issue directly , tends to suggest that this desired relationship is still important .
17 Whilst not wishing to sound preferential where the general level of performance is so high , I feel that Schmidt 's sopranos deserve special mention , every bit as assured and skilful in their work as their counterparts in longerestablished groups .
18 Whilst not wishing to create visions of the past as a ‘ Golden Age ’ ( it was certainly not ) , it can not be denied that the main social trends in family organization , particularly since the Industrial Revolution , have increasingly served to isolate ageing people .
19 Whilst not doubting that the slaves were treated by their conquerors and masters as akin to live-stock rather than like human beings , it strains credulity to say that , in the decades after emancipation in 1865 , the stock somehow remained ‘ pure ’ .
20 Whilst not advocating the imposition of a national curriculum , the Select Committee called for greater powers for the Secretary of State to intervene in circumstances where ‘ a nationally agreed guaranteed provision appears to be at risk ’ .
21 Whilst not suggesting that more machinery is the answer , concentrating and adapting the farm to one enterprise was well worth consideration .
22 When you come to retirement age , whilst not suggesting that you are past it , you are planning ahead for the time where you may not be quite as capable as were .
23 The Factory Inspectorate , part of the Health and Safety Executive and local authorities , responsible for the enforcement of the present health and safety at work laws , would be mainly concerned with the latter , being a source of danger to the health of employees ; the control of odour nuisance , whilst not ignored being accorded a lower priority , as the legal requirements concerning occupational hygiene are mainly orientated towards the degree of risk i.e. the harmful effects on the body , arising out of exposure to toxic materials in the form of fumes , gases and dust .
24 Those are the ground of appeal and counsel for the local authority and the guardian , whilst not seeking in any way to defend the approach of the justices , asked the court to utilise the provisions of R.S.C. , Ord. 55 , r. 7(7) to dismiss this appeal notwithstanding the defective nature of the findings of fact and the reasons .
25 Seen commercially , the advantages of operating through a subsidiary include the ability to diversify activities whilst not exposing the other parts of the business to financial risk .
26 Whilst not retracting anything that has been said about the inappropriateness of either a corporeal God or a God who is a person , it has to be said that interpreting certain historical events as the actions of God is the primary way in which a number of religions understand the divine nature .
27 whilst not wearing a prescribed type of seat belt .
28 whilst not wearing a prescribed type of seat belt ’ .
29 whilst not wearing a prescribed type of seat belt ’ .
30 The injury was caused by fighting with maces whilst not wearing a gauntlet .
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