Example sentences of "legs and [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 All the veins had closed up in me arms and legs and me feet and groin as well .
2 As he ducks he has Des diving for his legs and me closing in , and this is the moment we all discover the benefits of my upbringing because like a promising cadet I 'd left the pistol 's safety on .
3 And he 'd got a strip of steel about four inches the half inch and he stuck at the back of his , i it was a long seat that were a four of us sat on with iron legs and they stuck it in the wood and you 'd flip it and it i , you know how it would sto
4 The suite , everything had screw on legs and we bought erm a radiogram , that was a Pye , beautiful thing it was , it was ever so expensive then , I might even have the bill for that somewhere , we bought that at the town centre in Laytoners was it ?
5 short legs and we have never denied this .
6 He is an ego on legs and we 're well shut of him .
7 There 's a really big dog there because you can see its legs and we can see some human legs , or at least boots .
8 You could say well , Jackie took this and you got one leg on this table shorter than the other legs and we 've jammed it under there levels the table up .
9 Amid a crescendo of passion I forced open your legs and you joyously proclaimed , ‘ Thank you , thank you , I could never do the splits before . ’
10 ‘ You first tucked up your skirts between your legs and you danced backwards and forwards , round and about and over a lighted candlestick .
11 You just stand up and get out , but h what happens if and when something happens with your legs and you ca n't do that , how would get out then ?
12 I went in one of them cage things and I got it over — well , you have to push with your legs and you sort of pull with your arms and nobody else could do it .
13 However , as a result of the accident , he has completely lost the use of his arms and legs and he is now able to communicate with other people only by using his parents to interpret his signs .
14 Rab paid his money and took Winnie 's wine ; he spilled a little , feeling so skinny : his trousers flapped around his legs and he should be out ?
15 Holly pushed his feet beneath the steel plate and the wind caught at his socks and trousers and drove a channelled wind against his legs and he cursed the awkwardness of his overcoat , and his feet kicked in the space like the feet of a hanging man .
16 Too fast for his shorter legs and he fell on his knees .
17 After a moment , the tremor left his legs and he stood aside to let her in .
18 He turned towards her , but the blankets entangled his legs and he fought his eyes open in irritation .
19 And I would be always be with John in the stable and I got until I got into er some danger walking er underneath a horses legs and he 'd he 'd send me out banned me from the stable and shut the door .
20 She brought her knee up between his legs and he gasped and doubled over , pushing her away from him .
21 It 's quite funny though when he kicks his legs and he went he goes ooh wah !
22 Hockey is a very low game and it 's all in the quads in your upper legs and I can move into the ball without slowing down , where as a bigger guy has to run in and stoop down ’ .
23 ‘ I do n't have hundreds and hundreds of creepy-crawly legs and I do n't eat flies for my dinner or spin sticky stuff out of my tummy .
24 Melanie took her legs and I took the bows and we struggled up the steps , Carol 's bum hitting most of them , which I reckoned Melanie was doing deliberately .
25 Oh , I was n't and erm , the next thing I know I 've nearly fucking been bowled over , sort of the bags in fucking look behind me , so those two fucking bought the bags back down fucking legs and I 've just caught this like running round another , another thing , I thought oh fucking little kid , the next thing I know there 's another one gone pass me like , taken the bags , the handles out of the plastic bags , fucking and it was a girl that was going first this time , so I and sure enough there was a little fucking brat boy coming again , so I just went flying he sort of looked up at me and rubbed his eye like that and carried on running after the .
26 Look it 's got two legs and it 's got two plaits the same as me .
27 It has four legs and it climbs on trees . ’
28 He pointed at the deck between his legs and she scrabbled over on her haunches to sit there partially protected .
29 Tight denims clung to her legs and she wore knee-length leather boots .
30 The heavily sodden nappy slipped down her legs and she just stepped out of it , much to the amusement of the assembled people .
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