Example sentences of "agreed [that] they " in BNC.

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1 ABARRISTER for two Arab princesses yesterday agreed that they had beaten their maid with a horse whip .
2 Just under two-thirds , 63% , agreed that they would use training to prepare themselves either to tackle a new enterprise or to intensify an existing one .
3 Of the 53 farmers ( 35% ) who chose evenings for the 3 hour course , 21 ( 40% ) agreed that they might not gain full benefit from an evening course and 32 ( 60% ) felt that they would gain as much as from a day time course .
4 The German engineers last week agreed that they had met problems with the clay earth , which had proved unstable because of burrowing by rodents , and because it dries out in the summer .
5 Ten per cent of Britons profess to eating meat only rarely and nearly 50 per cent agreed that they much less than they used to .
6 They agreed that they must seal off this inner courtyard and all within it , and sift through the trapped folk .
7 As the children walked ahead , Jack and his wife agreed that they could sense a strange atmosphere , something eerie and unpleasant .
8 Most agreed that they had moments of nostalgia and longing to be back on the island , and one man , when pressed about why he admitted to such feelings , thought for a moment and then said ‘ It was chust a far better place … ’
9 Why it was called the holy alliance was because erm er the signatories agreed that they would er , that they would rule their states and treat er er policy erm er according to christian principles .
10 Despite the unceremonious manner of the suggestion , she agreed that they should give the idea a try .
11 The child has been shown two sets arranged in one-to-one correspondence , and agreed that they have the same number .
12 Miss T. 's mother and father had an argument , but not in the presence of Miss T. , and agreed that they would not allow their acrimonious relationship to come to her notice .
13 Kit Everard shared his suspicions with Tom Ingledew , who , though he feared terribly for his son 's life , agreed that they should seize the offensive , in secret , and place all their forces on the qui vive that night , in readiness for battle in the morning .
14 But when he surmised the attack was due that night , Tom Ingledew agreed that they would have to sacrifice some fighting capacity on that front — and even some lives — in order to gain the maximum advantage from keeping the sloop as a decoy .
15 When in 1861 Louisa Twining proposed to a government Select Committee that women should be allowed to stand for election as Poor Law Guardians , she agreed that they should not interfere in the male province of finance and administration , and should not have any say over the treatment of male paupers .
16 They agreed that they did .
17 Stephen agreed that they must tell Mrs Blakey .
18 All the competitors agreed that they had a challenging game and more than the usual number of wet balls and soggy bunkers ! !
19 We would not have considered the orders today if the Opposition had not prayed against them and agreed that they should be debated with the main affirmative orders .
20 In agreeing the format of the talks on May 9 , both sides agreed that they should be completed " as quickly as possible " , although no deadline was agreed and many observers predicted that they would last for several months .
21 The two leaders agreed that they would meet on a regular basis in the future , perhaps annually and with less formality , and Gorbachev invited Bush to the Soviet Union .
22 The three countries agreed that they would withdraw their co-operation even if the Warsaw Treaty summit now went ahead .
23 In particular they agreed that they had entered into private compensation deals with their larger investors , in contravention of a voluntary self-regulation agreement imposed by the government in December 1989 after the Recruit scandal [ for which see pp. 36463-64 ; 36589 ] , paying a total of 43,500 million yen ( about US$315,000,000 ) to 78 clients between March 1990 and March 1991 , to make up for trading losses resulting from their investment advice .
24 After an amicable wrangle , they agreed that they would get dressed and go shopping together .
25 The shorter prologue of Lex Salica states that With God 's help it pleased the Franks and their nobility and they agreed that they ought to prohibit all escalations of quarrels for the preservation of enthusiasm for peace among themselves ; and because they excelled other neighbouring peoples by force of arms , so they should excel them in legal authority , with the result that criminal cases might be concluded in a manner appropriate to the type of complaint .
26 And er I had asked there was anything you know , they would be interested in and they all agreed that they wanted to start with banking , and wha , see what Sandra had done last er ta last year with a group that they thought was very good getting them to be aware
27 Erm , may I just say , that you may recall , that at the nineteen eighty-eight A G M , we agreed that they 'd be no smoking here , er , and I hope that er er , can be adhered to , er , and finally er , I have a fairly full agenda , and the officials have have sort of er , measured it to the nearest minute .
28 The New York judges who sat in Elmer 's case , for example , all agreed that they must not disobey the decision of the legislature reported in the statute of wills .
29 He agreed that they could disembark at Peterborough and wait for the 2.30pm train .
30 agreed that they 've lent this money out , but it 's bounced back you see , it 's bouncing back on them , and this , everything 's bouncing back on everybody now , but it seems
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