Example sentences of "unable [to-vb] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 She was nineteen and choked by the immensity of her reaction to this man , unable to breathe or stir , and panicked by the conviction that Luke was seeing into her secret self , invading , bent on vandalising and stealing .
2 One of the oddities of the situation since her ‘ descent ’ was that most of her clothes had remained in the cupboards upstairs , she had felt unable to go and fetch them , and evidently the other two had felt too embarrassed to carry them down , or perhaps had simply not noticed the problem .
3 Table 5.6 shows that the proportions still at home were very low for those who had no principal carer , whose carer wanted institutional care , or where we were unable to interview or ascertain the carer 's preferences .
4 ‘ It is striking , ’ he concluded , ‘ that while strict laws govern the use of motor vehicles , anyone may hire a marine craft and then , with no experience whatsoever , without a life-jacket , unable to swim and in a state of advanced inebriation , attempt to navigate a busy and treacherous public waterway .
5 Being unable to swim and with no one around to rescue him , Daniel had drowned in the canal that evening .
6 Severe pain , muscle seizure and heart failure may end in rapid death ; or the pain may be so intense that the victim is unable to swim and drowns .
7 Desperate to contact Molly , who is unable to see or hear him , Sam discovers that he is only able to communicate with a psychic named Oda Mae Brown ( Whoopee Goldberg ) , a charlatan astonished to discover her powers are authentic .
8 What is sad is that caught in this way , they are unable to see or use the opportunities for life-fulfilling experiences spread out before them .
9 Presumably they would be unable to burrow or hide from the Sun like small mammals .
10 So the horse may be able to cope with one incident that provokes anxiety and stress ; but if two stressful incidents happen at the same time , the horse may be unable to cope and as a consequence refuse to eat or get colic .
11 Some feel they are unable to cope and the child is taken into care with a view to fostering .
12 Others were diffident , unable to cope or come to terms with their sexuality .
13 It is important that adequate pre-discharge assessment takes place to ensure that patients do not go home to situations where they are unable to cope or inadequately supported .
14 Major Vine , thus unable to confirm or deny the sound which had so alarmed his Colonel , merely offered a bad-tempered scowl as a reply , so Colonel Ford looked past him to seek the opinion of the Captain of his light company .
15 Nonetheless , although for many people the rise in car ownership can be seen as a great success , for a significant minority either unable to drive or unable to afford a car , notably the old , the young , the unemployed , the housewife ( left at home without a car ) and the disabled the corollary of increased car ownership has been a rapid decline in rural public transport , a concentration of services into ever more remote central places with increased journey lengths as shown in Table 6.1a , and a real sense of isolation and deprivation .
16 They exist ‘ merely as a means ’ which is only to say that , lacking language and self-consciousness , they are unable to plan and debate projects of their own as do moral agents .
17 It is unable to gather or transmit audio-visual material . ’
18 Open Learning would be extremely useful to chemists unable to attend or travel to an institute of higher education .
19 One of the beefs I have about accommodation for elderly people is the fact that by , that the purpose built , very excellent , bungalows and flats for elderly citizens are restricted to one bedroom which , to which but is by government decree to keep the cost down , but it does seem to me to be very heartless because elderly people 's children are unable to come and stay with them except to the great deal of discomfort and perhaps as society grows a little more considerate for the fact that the percentage of elderly people will get even greater as the years go on , then they should make allowance and provide them for the facilities to enable them to be visited by their children and grandchildren .
20 But if the resources of husband and wife were not to be aggregated , and each had a right to claim benefit independently , the Commission would be paying allowances to almost all wives who are unable to work or have the care of children regardless of the husband 's income .
21 This will help if , later on , you are unable to work or you are disabled as a result of the accident and claim Disablement Benefit .
22 She is now unable to work and receives benefits , including invalidity benefit , amounting to approximately £90.00 per week .
23 Mackie at that time had been unable to conceive and was troubled and unhappy because of it .
24 Barry Cox , LWT communications director , said that the company was unable to comment or discuss the scheme before publication .
25 Without a shared culture , members of society would be unable to communicate and cooperate , and confusion and disorder would result .
26 Since her torture she has been unable to stand or walk .
27 He pulled a sheet from one of the beds , spread it on the floor , opened up wardrobes and drawers , scooped up armfuls of clothes — there was no time to make any kind of selection and even if there had been he would have been unable to pick and choose , they were all women 's clothing — dumped them on the sheet , tied up the four corners , lugged the bundle up the companionway and handed it over to Riley .
28 Hard fingers encircled his arm and haled him out of the room , and he went like one in a dream , unable to resist but ready for some treacherous pitfall to open under his feet at every step .
29 When it came to discussing his daughter Camera 's knowledge of his illness , Mr Ashe was unable to talk and his wife stepped forward to read that part of his statement .
30 Shortly afterwards we returned to English prep schools , where I quickly had my French beaten out of me in French grammar classes , and where Lorne responded by continuing to be unable to talk or , rather , to speak in any known language , for he would hold forth volubly in a tongue uniquely his own .
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