Example sentences of "ask him [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Mr Crangle had tried to persuade him all night not to take the Bookman away but all Mr Slipper had done was smile and ask him not to be so unfriendly .
2 That hand is proffered for a farewell handshake , and this time I ask him not to squeeze so hard .
3 He does n't kiss me , because I ask him not to .
4 Everybody that comes in — you can imagine the reaction — and you ask him not to do it and his language is appalling , and he goes on doing it .
5 One Lapp shows me his reindeer skin boots , and shrugs when I ask him why the toes curl up .
6 ‘ You could go and see Harry Short and ask him why Damien was riding his horse , ’ she said sharply .
7 Good-natured critics in the dressing-room wink and ask him why he saves all his best cricket for New Zealand .
8 When the children ask him why he has contacted them , he replies : ‘ for security and insecurity xor insecurity andor communication ’ ( 81 ) .
9 He must n't touch her or she would shatter to pieces , fall on him and ask him why he was ignoring her in favour of her sister .
10 Now they go and ask him why he is doing it . ’
11 I sulk , I ask him why , but he simply ignores me .
12 I ask him why he did it he said oh well he has such a long name such a very long name spoils the picture
13 she say that , and she say that and she 's always writing your name over the books and everything , okay , oh yeah , you must ask him if he fancies me and love him and ask him why he do n't he phone me that often , ask him that , you must say , right yeah , but do n't tell him that I told you to ask him , yeah
14 Erm I 'm gon na , if it 's still there I 'm gon na ask Doctor and ask him why
15 And because she was n't quite ready to challenge his statement , ask him exactly what he meant , Ellie asked stupidly , ‘ Will she be happy ? ’
16 ask him tonight .
17 All right I 'll bring in a sixty minute tape ask him tonight , okay and I 'll bring in a sixty and a ninety minute , okay .
18 He begins to read , beautifully , lyrically , with heartfelt empathy , a poem by Wole Soyinka in which the poet tried to rent a room in London in the 1950s , and the landladies on the telephone ask him just precisely how black he is .
19 Ask him anyway .
20 ‘ Then they ask him again , ’ continues Jancey .
21 Ask him again ! ’ he snapped .
22 So I ask him again : will he listen and will he think again ?
23 You know , and then if you ask him again he says , I 've told you once !
24 Well , ask him again .
25 I stop this man in a black uniform and ask him where it is , and he shows me .
26 I stop this man and ask him where Bayswater is , but he do n't understand me and just shrugs .
27 Ask him where this Irina is now . ’
28 ‘ Would somebody ring Morley , Bob , ’ he said , scarcely opening his mouth to let the words out , ‘ and ask him where his copy is ?
29 He could remember the distant past and his family and friends , but ask him where he 'd just been , what he 'd had for lunch and which room he 'd just come out of , and he was stumped .
30 Ask him where the wine came from , ’ I demanded .
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