Example sentences of "to leave at [art] " in BNC.

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1 Each campesino had been given instructions to always have ready 20 extra tortillas in case we had to leave at a moment 's notice , but even so , it was very hard .
2 Silas had said he wished to leave for Hastings immediately after the meal , so Lucy came to the table ready to leave at a moment 's notice .
3 All of the youths studied were in their last year of school , and all were going to leave at the minimum school leaving age ( Corrigan , 1979 ) .
4 They sort of could n't care less if you were going to leave at the end of the fourth year .
5 All their time was spent on the ones that were going to stay on , so ones that were going to leave at the end of the fourth year were never there and nobody sort of worried about them . ’
6 The Act buttressed the law on trespass with two new criminal offences : using or threatening violence in order to obtain entry to any premises , and occupying a house or flat and refusing to leave at the request of the rightful occupier .
7 And then it was only because I knew I was going to have to leave at the crack of dawn on Friday , and I would n't have time to fix anything up . ’
8 I can excuse him for yesterday as he had to leave at the start of the second half to appear on Question of Sport : - ) .
9 Moreover , except by consent , the court can not make an order for possession against the tenant in the application ; so that if the tenant refuses to leave at the expiry date of his tenancy , the landlord will be compelled to take fresh proceedings against him .
10 And it was Silvia , not Ronni , who was the first to arrive and the more reluctant to leave at the end of each lesson .
11 I loved the programme and the people but I made the decision to leave at the right point , before I could grow bored . ’
12 She claimed that she had invited both her daughter and Neha to go to Marbella with her but Neha was not ready to leave at the same time .
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