Example sentences of "followed she [adv] " in BNC.

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1 In the silence that followed she gradually became aware of David 's stillness ; so aware that in the end she was forced to twist her head so that she could see his face .
2 I followed her downstairs .
3 The woman beckoned imperiously , and , sighing , Theda turned down the gallery and followed her downstairs .
4 Sara followed her downstairs .
5 As she moved to obey , the black spot of the gun followed her unerringly across the sitting room .
6 Will followed her willingly and listened while Hari explained that the boots were to be taken to Edward Morris who lived in the big white house in Chapel Street .
7 There were too many creepy corners and badly lit corridors peopled with portraits of long-dead ancestors whose eyes followed her unnervingly .
8 ‘ O.K. , ’ he said , considerably mollified , and followed her obediently up the garden path and into the kitchen .
9 She stood patiently waiting until , with exceedingly bad grace , he got to his feet and followed her homewards .
10 You knew of her arrival and followed her discreetly .
11 And when Mrs Knight said she had some costume jewellery in the house he followed her straight into her bedroom where he started going through her drawers .
12 He was acting so strangely , as if he never had suspected her of being a thief , nor followed her doggedly .
13 He followed her through to the kitchen where , as far as he could see , she was still in operatic mode .
14 Billie heard the housekeeper ask Adam in the kitchen as he followed her through for a new packet of cigarettes .
15 He followed her through , the young Captain trailing them .
16 Anne followed her through and watched as Robyn stuffed clothes frantically into an overnight bag .
17 As I followed her up the pathway , every inch of her breathed that she was being a good girl , and as the driver settled her in the front seat beside him she gave him a happy smile ; almost , one felt — seeing the hat-boxes and cases piled up behind them — they might have been starting out on their honeymoon .
18 He followed her up to the bar and she heard him noisily latching on to Riley who , she was positive , would not buy him a drink .
19 I followed her up to one of the other floors and caught her by the elbow .
20 Peggy followed her on to the landing .
21 That dull feeling followed her around as she showered , went down to breakfast , and returned to her room to consider what to do with her day .
22 She turned to the right and the red saloon followed her round , a hundred yards behind .
23 Well Mary going to judge it and , would he let her do it on her own , no he followed her round , making comments here , making comments there , trying to influence her fact is , this 'll make you laugh , you know the wall displays you know th erm the books , Where 's Wally Where 's Wally you have this page , of really tiny little things and you have to find Wally , who 's a person , right ?
24 ‘ Anyway , he followed her home ? ’
25 They followed her wherever she went .
26 She was always accompanied by her green parrot , who showed his pleasure , or displeasure , when her guests arrived as he followed her about .
27 From then on the Labrador followed her about devotedly .
28 He climbed lazily to his feet and stood to one side so that she could open the door , then followed her inside .
29 Christina followed her eagerly , laughing as she showed her friend how to body-surf on the smaller waves , and then how to dive and tread water waiting for a really big wave .
30 Mrs Grandison followed her apprehensively into one of those ubiquitous tea-shops which cater for the multitudes of office workers and others who want a cheap meal at any time of the day , and which , excellent though they are , can hardly be compared with the restaurants Mrs Grandison had been hoping to lunch in .
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