Example sentences of "17 [unc] [unc] " in BNC.

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1 11 Bd3||Nf8||12 f4||Rh8|| 13 Qg4||Bb7||14 Rh3||Bf6|| 15 0-0-0||b4||16 Ne4||Bd5|| 17 Nf3||Nc6||18 Ne5 ! ||dxe5|| An attractive sacrifice , based on the BK 's lack of flight squares .
2 The annual BW accounts , published last month , reveal that Gorgeous George voted himself a 17 per cent pay rise last year just as his company was plunging to the canvas with debts of £350 million .
3 So far , only Hong Kong 's tourist trade has visibly suffered , with year-on-year visitor numbers down 22 per cent in July , and 17 per cent in August .
4 Clouthier pulled in 17 per cent of the vote , falling into third place .
5 The large majority of the mothers believed in smacking ; only 17 per cent disapproved on principle .
6 Prima remains the bestseller but is down 17 per cent .
7 At 707p a share , which is higher than the top end of the range indicated in the pathfinder prospectus , Eurodisney offers an average return of 13.3 per cent , compared to more than 17 per cent for Eurotunnel when it was floated .
8 Banks appear to be growing in popularity : a year ago only 17 per cent would have bought life cover through a bank .
9 Surveys of parking habits by the deparment 's Transport and Road Research Laboratory carried out before and after wheelclamping was extended to the areas of St John 's Wood and Pimlico in London in spring 1987 , show that parking on yellow lines declined by 31 and 17 per cent respectively .
10 The two cities indirectly hold more than 17 per cent and 10 per cent of MBB which could be enough to stop the merger , observers said .
11 Sales in the year to August grew by 19 per cent to £131m , while operating profits were up 17 per cent at £22.1m .
12 The method was harsh , but brought a 17 per cent drop in retail prices and an end to formal rationing .
13 The strength of these funds , 17 of which show a return of better than 17 per cent , lies in their re-conversion from dollars to sterling .
14 The level of unemployment in one of Easton 's wards in 1981 was 2.5 times higher than that in another , which , at nearly 17 per cent , approached the average for the two district councils as a whole .
15 By the third week around 17 per cent thought Labour and the Alliance were also concentrating on defence .
16 In the pre-campaign week , the effect of political interest on public awareness of Thatcher and Kinnock was 36 per cent and 45 per cent , respectively ; but by the last fortnight of the campaign its effect had fallen to 17 per cent and 20 per cent respectively .
17 It increased by 17 per cent amongst Express/Mail readers , and by 34 per cent amongst Sun/Star readers , but by a mere 2 per cent amongst Mirror readers , which suggests the tabloids did influence their readers .
18 Long- and cheap-haul facilities were vital in a poor country occupying 17 per cent of the inhabited surface of the earth .
19 In 1917 this group had comprised between 16 and 17 per cent of all railway employees .
20 After two months , a settlement of 17 per cent was agreed , but the green light had been given for others to follow on .
21 The outcome for party politics was healthy : the PS won 82 per cent of the vote ; the PDS won 17 per cent ; and the PAI won just 1 per cent of the vote .
22 Currently sport occupies a quarter of the BBC 's own production and 17 per cent of its total output , though the fees for broadcasting have risen by as much or more than a thousandfold for certain sports like tennis and golf .
23 The benefit for Cornhill was its ‘ awareness level ’ ( the number of people who mentioned it when asked to name an insurance company ) , which shot up from 2 per cent in 1977 to 17 per cent in 1981 .
24 Commodore 's sales for the quarter fell by 17 per cent from $200 million to $165 million , and profits of $9.6 million turned into a $6.5 million loss .
25 Atari 's quarterly sales also fell by 17 per cent from $99 million to $81 million , while profits of $7 million turned into a $5 million loss .
26 Tobacco-to-insurance conglomerate BAT , awaiting a threatened bid from Sir James Goldsmith 's Hoylake , yesterday unveiled nine-month profits up 17 per cent at £1,228million , putting the group firmly on course for its promised £2billion total by the year-end .
27 Tobacco-to-insurance conglomerate BAT , awaiting a threatened bid from Sir James Goldsmith 's Hoylake , yesterday unveiled nine-month profits up 17 per cent at £1,228million , putting the group firmly on course for its promised £2billion total by the year-end .
28 The company 's retailing arm , which includes managed pubs , Thresher off-licences and restaurants like Pizza Hut and Beefeater , showed a 17 per cent profits rise .
29 A quarter of men owned shares but only 17 per cent of women ; 29 per cent of people aged 45-54 and 30 per cent of those aged 55-64 had shares , but only 18 per cent of those aged 25-34 .
30 The shares dropped 17 per cent to 150p .
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